Running out of Air

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(Cinder's POV)
        I sighed, ever since Sage's betrayal I had been shaken, I flinched at every passing twig, winced when any shadows crossed my view, and shrieked at any noise. I was utterly trapped in a field of hopelessness. My back aches as I climbed the rockets slope, my feet tired from walking for ours, my breath raspy from adrenaline. Sweat soaked my frizzy, grey mane, as soft wind sifted through it. If I could make it to the top by nightfall, then I could finally get some rest, without the cautiousness I had been experiencing for days. For the past few days I barely had gotten any sleep, always keeping in check with my surroundings.
       Snap. I flinched, my gaze shifting to a small Rosemary bush. My ears perked at the unfamiliar sound, trying to see if there was a follow up noise. None. Everything was silent. I shrugged moving on, I had to move faster the sun was all ready past its peak in the cloudy, blue sky above. I continued climbing up the mountain, listening to the pattern of my breaths and the scraping of the wind against the sides of the rocky figure. Swish. Breath. Swish. Breath. I counted in my head, keeping myself at a steady pace, as I inclined myself to the top of the mountain. Breath. Swish. Breath. Swish. I was almost there, I pushed myself forward, even if though my limbs were protesting. Come on a little farther.
        I pulled myself over the top, sighing in relief, I was at the top. I questioned myself why did I have to go through all that bitter agony, when I could have just flown to the top. The answer was because it would leave me vulnerable to enemies, I couldn't just expose myself to the humans, they'd kill me for sure.
           Curling up into a ball on a ledge connected to the freezing heights of the mountain, I blocked the wind out of my mind and fell into the harmonious abyss of sleep.
          I was at a river, water splashing upon the jagged rocks I stood upon. I looked down, fearing the consequences of falling. Sharp black water twisted around, harvesting the reapers of nature, foam swirled amongst its depths, and I imagined the drool of a rabid beast. I leaned farther, but pulled back when the sharp clatter of pebbles fell into the raging mouth of mother natures predator.
          "Hello again, Cinder," a voice called, I turned to come face to face one other than him. He stood valiantly upon the green grass away from the shore. His eyes were narrowed to thin slits, and his teeth were bared showing off white, glinting fangs.
        "Sage" I snarled, my voice dry, and not a single emotion stood through my teeth. No anger. No fear. No happiness. Just an emotion devoid of any emotion at all. Nothing, utterly nothing.
      He stepped forward and I backed up, my back arching, when I heard the sinister shatter of loose rocks and pebbles. I looked back at the depths of the venomous river. It's black water rose higher, as if it was reaching to grab me and suck the life from me.
         I looked back at Sage who stood calmly, almost like a statue, but I wasn't fooled. He was planning something behind that emotionless gaze. He was planning something.......
      Crack. Splinter. Crack. I looked down. Below me the earth was shaking violently. I gripped the rock beneath me. What was happening? I looked over at Sage who sat smirking, his eyes glinted in an I humane glare. I screamed as I fell, the cold water hitting my small body. 
      I struggled as the current caught my limp body and dragged me under, the swiping serpent of nature swallowing me whole. I gasped for air, but only managed to swallow water. voice bubbled. eyes closed, as the black pit below me sucked my life from me like a parasite..
        I gasped wearing up shaking. What was that? Why was I dreaming of such things? I shook my head, noticing the thin layer of sweat that glistened against my body. I walked from the ledge lifting my head to greet the cool night air.
        Snap. Swoosh. I heard a sound. I turned my head right before a swirling net shot out at me and entangled me. I fell back trying to get the ropy thing from my body. Roaring I tried to escape from its grasp. Help.... There was no help out there, only a world devoid of any humanity at all. We were all running out of air, as we were running out of humanity.... I closed my eyes as the shallow waves of sleep approached me....

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