First Concert

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It's the day of our concert...our very first concert. Everybody at the backstage was nervous. John was pacing the room, Sarah had her eyes closed in a corner with her head leaning on the arm of the sofa, Daniel seated himself in one corner of the room and air drumming. 

Yonghwa, Jun, Ryan and Rachel came in and gave us hugs and kisses for good luck. I can see the CEO also a bit nervous. He was talking to the stage director and explaining some things.

I took a guitar and sat beside Sarah. I was practicing for my solo stage when a stage crew came in and announced that we start in 5 minutes. The backstage became noisy. 

"Gather 'round, guys," John said. We stood at the center of the room in a circle. "Hands," automatically, we joined our right hands in the middle. "Being this our first concert, I hope we all have fun and enjoy ourselves on stage. If any of us makes a mistake, the others should be alert enough to cover for him...or her." 

We stood there in silence for a minute. Our heads bowed down, one hand stretched out in the middle and the other on the shoulder of the one beside him. 

"2 minutes," the guy shouted.

We lifted our heads. "1, 2, 3," John counted and everyone shouted, "Let's rock!"

Coming out of your hiding place

Setting your foot in a new world

Showing everybody your face

This must be hard.

I started singing. I don't know, but, being on stage and doing a live performance in front of thousands of people just made all my worries go away. I became different on stage. I was no longer the shy, insecured, awkward girl...instead I was confident about myself.

It was my part to do a solo stage. I was used to always singing in a band. Even back home when I sing in gigs I was always in a band. 

"You can do it, Kris," John tapped my shoulders. "Just think you're singing for the person you love."

I inhaled deeply and blew out the air. I looked at John and nodded at him.

I walked up the stage. I hear the roar of fans from below. I sat on the bench and adjusted my mic. I put up both hands and positioned my fingers over the piano keys. I covered a song by Celine Dion 'I love you, Goodbye.' It is one of my favorites. I put all my emotions to the song, I felt it. 

As I was at the end of the song, the fans started screaming. And with that, I knew I did well. 

I stood up, made my way to the center of the stage and took a bow. I could see some fans in front wiping off tears. I smiled and headed to the backstage.

"That was awesome, Kris," John hugged me as soon as I stepped down the stage. "You almost made me cry," he was pretending to wipe tears from his eyes.

"Aaaahhh....that was nerve-racking." I burst.

We were all on stage for our last performance. "It was fun singing in front of all you guys. It is an honor to be sharing our music with you. Unfortunately, the next song would be our last for tonight." John said.

"Nooooo..." the fans shouted.

"Thank you all for coming. We hope to see you again on our next concert." 

The lights went dim and we started our final song. It was a rock n' roll version of our song 'Debut'. We jumped up and down the stage, we ran around and did high fives with the audiences at the front row. It was FUN FUN FUN. 

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