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"We only have two days to practice for our stage," I told Mark.

We are in the company practicing.

"Yeah," he said without any emotion. Maybe he's just tired. "Let's do it again."

We practiced for two hours straight without any break. So this is how he works, he's so concentrated and he barely talks.

"I have to go," he finally said. He grabbed his things, looked at the mirror, fixed his cap and straightened his shirt.

"Uhm...ok," I said. "Tomorrow then?"

"Yup," then he went out the door without even waving goodbye.

"That's odd," I thought. 

The next day, it was the same. The only words I heard from him were 'again', 'one more time', 'yes', 'no'.

Is he giving me the cold shoulder? What did I do? Is he mad at me or something?

I suddenly miss the old Mark. Even though I haven't been with him that long, I know he's the bubbly, playful and sweet kind of guy. 

I felt my heart suddenly drop. No, Kris. You can't have feelings for him. Not now, not ever.

My phone went off very early. I checked who was calling, it was John.

"Hello, John."

"Hey Kris. I just called to wish you luck on your stage today." He said.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Thanks." I almost forgot we are going to perform at MCountdown for our debut stage as a duo today. "Are you going to be there?" I asked John, half wishing he would say yes. I wanted moral support.

"Of course," he assured me. "Would you want me to pick you up?"

"No, thanks," I refused. "I'm taking my bike."

"See you there."

"Hey," I waved at Mark when I got to the waiting room.

"Hey," he didn't even look up.

" everything ok?" I was worried.

"Yeah," he took his earphones and put them in his ear. Like putting up a 'Don't Disturb' sign.

John came in the room and immediately gave me a hug. 

"You haven't done your make up yet," John was holding my shoulders and examining my face, "you look like crap," he laughed.

I made a face at him and punched him on his arm.

"I always look like crap to you, John," I pretended to be hurt.

" do," he continued joking me. 

We were joking and laughing. My make up artist came and we were still talking when she was done with my me.

John helped me stand up and looked at me from head to toe while still holding on to my hand.

"Now, that's more like it," he smiled.

I made a curtsy and he twirled me around.

"We should practice one more time," Mark suddenly appeared from behind me and both John and I were surprised.

"Ah...yeah...sure," I said.

John let go of my hand and mouthed, "later". I nodded at him. 

Mark was eyeing John when I turned back to face him. Why's he so rude? 

It was my first time on stage without an instrument to hide my nervousness. I scanned thru the crowd for John. I saw him sitting at the front corner giving me a 'fighting' sign. I smiled at him and mouthed 'thanks'.

That didn't help much. I was holding the mic stand with my right hand and I can feel my left hand trembling. I shook my hand to relax it when a hand grabbed it. 

I looked at my left and Mark smiled at me. 

"Let's do this," he said softly.

We finished our stage successfully. Everyone in the backstage congratulated us. Even Minho (one of my biases) from SHINee gave us compliments. I felt my cheeks turn red when he came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder saying 'That was awesome. Let's do a collaboration next time'. I would LLOOOVVVEEE to.

"Sure, I'd be honored," I smiled back at him. 

I think he saw me blush because he smirked before going up the stage.

"Oh my God! That was Minho....aaaahhh," I said in excitement.

"Hmpf....," Mark made a sound, " do you like it that much?"

"Of course, I'd die to be paired with him," I held my cheeks with my hands, I was giddy.

I could feel my knees weakening, "I think I'm gonna faint."

"Yah..." Mark shouted at me then he stomped in the waiting room.



I got back in Korea with a clear mind. I told myself I would distance myself from Kris. Well....I would try to, since we still have activities we need to do together.

I tried my best for the past days. I didn't talk to her. I didn't join her for extra activities aside from practice. Even though, deep inside, I was dying to.

I thought I was doing great in preserving my peace, when that rascal, John, came in the waiting room and started flirting with Kris.

I turned my back from them and closed my eyes. I turned u the volume on my iPad cause I could hear them bickering behind. I took a peek from the mirror in front of me and she was having her make up done. John was standing beside her and saying gibberish to her. She's laughing. She looks beautiful when she laughs. Her voice resounded around the room. I love the sound of her laughter, too.

He held her hand and helped her on her feet. I can't stand this anymore.

I walked over to them and without thinking, "We should practice one more time," I told her. 

Good, he left. 

I know I sounded rude but I didn't care. The words just came out like that.

We practiced twice before going on stage.

I could see how nervous she was when we stepped on the stage. I saw her hands shaking and, by instinct, I grabbed on to it. 

She was surprised. I was surprised, too. Just go on with it, Mark, I told myself. I gave her a smile and we started the song.

I felt better to see her relaxing on stage. 

As soon as we were done with the performance, I took her hand and helped her down the stage. We were greeted by other artists congratulating us. 

"Great job, man," Peniel shook my hand.

"Thanks, man."

I looked to my right and I see Minho-sunbae talking to Kris. She was blushing. Silly! Everybody could see how much she enjoyed Minho's touch.

  " you like it that much?"  I made a face at her.


Don't tell me you're jealous, Mark. Don't be. She's not yours. She's not going to be yours.

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