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Me- "Ok people of the world! Welcome back to Truth or Dare! Now, just give me a sec to get everybody here." *Snaps and everyone appears*

Kawaii~Chan- "Nya! That always feels weird when you do that."

Me- "Anyways Snowydj says, "hmmm how about for the new years...they can have a celebration! With fireworks, food, and of course the count down!" I didn't add the kisses part because I didn't want them to freak out. Besides, I can handle that part all by myself.

Cadenza- I need to get Aphmau to kiss Laurance somehow. Hmm.

Nicole- I hope Dante will kiss me... just as the countdown ends... that would be nice.

Jeffory- Now's my chance... Katelyn get ready!

Katelyn- "Ready for what, Jeffory?"

Me- HAHA! I can't believe he said that!

Jeffory- Uh...um...what do I say? "Uh...get ready for food...yea food... I... yea food."

Travis- Food? FOOD? Is that the best he can come up with?

Garroth- Maybe...I'm going to need feathers. 

Me- "Ok, let's see. We need fireworks, food, and a countdown. Got it!" *Snap, Snap, Snap*

Me- "I bring you décor, food, and more. Oh wow! That rhymes!" 

Zane- "Yea, yea, we get it. Carry on-"


Lucinda- "Seriously, where are you coming from?"

Snowy- "It's a secret! Shhh..." *Disappears*

Cadenza- "Wow. Ok. That happened."

Jeffory- "FOOOOD!!"

Katelyn- "Move over you pig! Save some for me!"

Me- "Hey Garroth, can I talk to you?"

Garroth- "Sure."

Me- *Leads him to another room* "Ok, Garroth. You need to be the one to kiss Aphmau when the New Year begins. Got it? Ok, just leave everything to me."

*Cue Song*

<<<Brendan and Kawaii~Chan>>>

Brendan- "H-Hey Kawaii~Chan."

Kawaii~Chan- "Hello Brendan~Kun."

Brendan- "Uh... do you want to get some f-food with m-me?"

Kawaii~Chan- "Sure Brendan~Kun!"

<<<Katelyn and Jeffory>>>

Jeffory- "Om nom!"

Katelyn- "Save some for me you pig! I need to eat too!!" *Pushes him out of the way*

Jeffory- "Hey!!"

<<<Lucinda and Travis>>>

Travis- "So you're a witch."

Lucinda- "Yea. What's your point?"

Travis- "Oh nothing... Please don't kill me?"

Lucinda- "Hmm... you wish that you were good enough for me to kill you."

Travis- "What's that supposed to mean?!"

<<<Cadenza and Laurance>>>

Cadenza- "Ok, you'll lead her in here. Then, walk over there."

Laurance- "Ok, then I'll say what we planned right there."

Snowy- Not if I have anything to do with it. MUAHAHHA

<<<Nicole and Dante>>>

Nicole- "So...Dante."

Dante- "Yea?"

Nicole- "Is...is ok if I... stand by you when the New Year begins?"

Dante- *Confused* "Sure, Nicole."


Aaron- Today I don't feel like doing anything...


Zane- Hmm... now I need to make Plan G for taking over the world.

<<<Time Skip to 1 Minute from Midnight>>>

Me- "Ok, we have a timer."

<<<Time Skip to 15 Sec.>>>

Garroth- Ok Garroth go for it. "Hey Aphmau. I have a confession."


Aphmau- "Yea. What is it?"

Garroth- "Ok... I'm trying to say... uh... I-I"

Aphmau- "Yes?"


Garroth- "IreallylikeyouandIwouldliketotakeyouonadate!"

Aphmau- "Sure Garroth. I would love too."


Garroth- Ok...I can do this...


Garroth- *Leans in*


Aphmau- *Leans in*


Garroth and Aphmau- *Kissing*

"Happy New Year!!"

Aphmau- "Happy New Year Garroth." *Blushes*

Garroth- "Yea. Now about that date." *Blushes*


Nicole and Dante- *Kissing*

Laurance- *Passed out in a closet with bumps on his head*

Katelyn and Jeffory- *Holding Hands*


Now isn't that just beautiful. Happy New Years everybody. <3 Special shout-out to Snowydj <3 u bae! And I just gotta say...186 READS?!?! It doubled since last time! JEEZ!!!!! I love all of you!!!!


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