I got tagged....

117 8 31

*Hint the sarcasm* Thank you so much MandyLauren817 for tagging me to do this...not.

(I'm not putting the 1st one.)

Gender- GIRL!!

Happy- What does this mean??

Last Song- Lips Are Movin'

Hair Color- Brown/ Black-ish

Zodiac- Virgo

Last Person You Kissed- erm.....uh....Eren~Senpai in mai dreams...that was embarrassing...

Fav Color/s- Midnight Blue, Gray, Black

Fav Food- It depends on my mood- maybe steak, chicken, or fish

Battery- 100% on my computer

Celebrity Crush- PEYTON MEYER!!!!!!!!! (Girl Meets World)

Fav Veggie- carrots, i guess

Eye Color- Dark Brown

Shoe Size- 7 1/2

Height- 5 ft. 2 (I'm short, ok? I'm only 13.)

Laurmau, Garmau, Aarmau- Laurmau, Garmau and Aarmau!!!

Dream Job- Marine Biologist/ Dolphin Trainer

I tag:





Good Luck!! and I give you girls and guy one week! GET TO WORK!!

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