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*With sarcasm* Thank you so much MandyLauren817. You couldn't just let me grieve about Aaron in peace?!?!!??!??!?!??! Anyways, I'll do it anyway.

1. Who will win? Batman? Superman? Or Wonderwoman?

Obviously Batman...I mean, come on. If Batman had some kryptonite, he would definitely win.

2. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Um...I'll have to say vanilla and cookie dough (Yes, it's a thing).

3. How much do you weigh?

Sorry Mandy, but I'm not ashamed to say that I'm 98 pounds.

4. If you were the opposite gender for a day, what will you do?

I've already had this question, and I'll repeat my same answer. I would slap every boy who has been mean or annoys me. (That includes you, Flame.)

5. Who's better Taylor Swift or Katy Perry?

Uh...there is no answer to this question because I love them both. <3

6. What is your fav show/ anime?

Fairy Tail, 7 Deadly Sins, Magi, Sword Art Online, and Attack on Titan (Not necessarily in that order.)

7. Who is your favorite actor/ actress in the world?

Uh...Scarlett Johansson I guess. She was the first person that came into my mind.

8. Favorite Movie?

Hmm......Zootopia definitely.

9. Fav artist/ singer?

Shawn Mendes I guess...

10. Best Slang in your opinion?

Erm....I really don't know.

11. What is the word you use TOO much?

I really don't know, but I do have a phrase that people think that I use too much: "Good for you." *says with sarcasm and a fake smile*

12. Can you dance?

Uh...probably not

13. Favorite drink?

Maybe orange Fanta. I tag:









You people have to answer these question...

1. Who is your anime crush?

2. Which is better: Marvel or DC

3. Who is the best Superhero ever?

5. Name your favorite Fairy Tail Character!!!

4. Favorite Food?

6. Do you have a favorite phrase?

7. Can you sing?

8. Which is the best, dabbing or whipping?

9. How tall are you?

10. Favorite thing to do?

11. Be honest: Did you notice that I switched questions 5 and 4?

12. Who is you favorite Minecraft Diaries character? If you don't watch Minecraft Diaries, then what's you favorite Sword Art Online ship?

13. On a scale from 1 to 10: How awsem are you?

Now...if you would all let me cry in peace...

~Elizabella </3

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