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Picture this, you're two years old and you are playing with your one  year old cousin, you share the same dark hair and olive complexion. The two of you are sitting right next to each other, but only one of you are getting attention from everyone else in the room.

Your cousin begins to cry and beg for attention and you look on with confusion, you begin to cry also, upset about your cousins neglect, and instantly your young mother lifts you into her warm embrace.

You snuggle into her golden brown hair and sniff in despair, your cousins has gotten louder and louder and no one has stopped to comfort her.

Why were they ignoring her? 

Why wasn't anyone helping her?

you wiggle in your  mothers embrace and she sets you on the ground, you  point and whimper in your cousins direction. desperately trying to get the adults to notice her suffering.

but everyone is staring at you oddly, as if trying to figure out a puzzle, you are young you don't understand what is happening, as you crawl over to comfort the whimpering child.

suddenly you are lifted into the air by your aunt, you begin to trash around and scream trying to get to the suffering baby, you want to help, you want her to stop crying, but she doesn't, and you cant help her, and no one else is.

As you are carried from the room by your mother you see people walking around the child and talking over her screams as if she wasn't there.

That child was me, not the one on the floor begging to be held, but the one being carried from the room , and that is my earliest memory. it took me eight years to figure out why no one batted an eye at my infant cousin, why no one hushed her cry's or rocked her to sleep.

It took me eight years to realize that my cousin did disappear after that day, that the family didn't forget she existed.

See until i was ten i didn't understand that memory, i didn't understand my family,  but on my tenth birthday it came to me like a eureka, no one helped my cousin, because they didn't know she was there.

They couldn't see her, or hear her, they couldn't calm her because to them i was the only child in the room. My cousin Chasity had died the year before, and i was the only person who could see her.

Things like that tend to happen to me as the daughter of Hades, the dead are attracted to me because i can feel them, i can see and talk and touch them.

Its a real nuisance if you ask me, but then again most people don't, when i tell them I can talk to the dead its normal followed by "whoa really?!" or "wow, freak" even growing up the way i did, at a camp filled with extraordinarily gifted half-bloods, the gift was weird, don't get me wrong other half-bloods have seen the dead, but they have been at the entrance to or in the underworld. the dead are not normally seen anywhere else.

None of my Five brothers have that ability, and only one of the  has the ability the shadow travel like me, But i'm getting a bit ahead of my self.

My name is Bridget Hallows, I was born to Marie Hallows when she was only seventeen years old. she met my father, Hades, at a cemetery when she was sixteen, she was visiting her recently dead friend and my father showed up to comfort her. my mother knew who he was and knew the rick of falling for him, she did it anyway.

The same old thing happened he left her broken hearted and alone, eight months pregnate with no where to really go. He thought the money he slipped into her bank accounts would make up for his absence, it didn't.

By the time i was three my mother was at her wites end, i was attracting way to many monsters and  i was a huge risk to myself and everyone around me. my mother made what she describes as a "heart breaking decision" and sent me to camp.

i was placed in a cabin with two of my brothers, who couldn't have been more clueless as to how to take care of me, so Lady Hestia and the Athena Cabin really took me under there wings.

Now sixteen with thirteen years of training under my belt, i was a old pro at just about everything, i was the cabin leader and senior camp counselor. 

My life was pretty bland, hardly anything new or surprising happened anymore, i was just taking life one day at a tie, pray to the gods to shake it up a bit.

I really should have kept my mouth shut, because what came next, was absolutely horrible.

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