Sleeping is for the Weak

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(I would like shout out to bandsrphantastic because they commented on A LOT of my chapters in this story and I love that so so much and CPDCFD because she sent me a message to make sure I was OK and to tell me that I wasn't useless (even though I kinda am lol.)

This chapter is dedicated to my fans as well for being awesome. You guys are all so nice.

Please enjoy <3)

(Patrick's P.O.V.)

I sat on the couch in Pete's family room as Pete was in the kitchen. The pizza delivery guy had shown up and Pete was putting some pizza on two plates for us. He eventually gave up looking for clean plates, so he just took the whole box over to the couch with him.

"Thanks Pete." (Don't you fucking dare) I said as he sat next to me, grabbing a slice from the box. I snuggled into his side and he kissed my forehead before taking a bite.

"I love it when it's quiet here. Nobody to disturb us." He said after a few short minutes of silence. I eventually grabbed a slice from the box and took a bite, then got up from my spot on the couch.

"Where are you going?" Pete asked worriedly. The brown in his eyes going a shade darker. I smiled and lightly pet the right side of his head with my fingertips.

"I have to go to the bathroom, silly goose." I told him as I turned away towards the bathroom.

"Oh, OK." His voice echoed slightly in the halls as I found the right door. "I thought you would leave me." He then added as I closed the door to the bathroom.

(Pete's P.O.V.)

Patrick came out of the (closet) bathroom and wrapped his arms around my neck as he sat on my lap, facing me. I kissed his cheek.

"Why would I leave you?" He asks as he kisses more and rests his forehead gently on mine. I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled loudly.

"I-I don't know." I answer thinking back to my past. "When I was younger, I stayed with my grandma for a few weeks while my brother was in the hospital with a broken leg, and I remember how she told me how bad it was to be gay. How gay people are going to Hell and how gays were terrible. She had practically brainwashed me. So when I was 13, I thought I was gay, but I didn't want to rot in Hell, so kept it a secret from everyone. Eventually she had pasted away and my parents never really gave a shit about homosexuals. So, sometimes, I feel as if I may rot in Hell before remembering what my parents told me and I came out to my family. They excepted it, but my brother is CONSTANTLY making gay jokes." Patrick just looked at me for a minute before pulling away from me and looking at me in confusion.

"And so I yell at myself when I have gay thoughts, but then remember it doesn't matter and that I'm not straight." I then finished. He was silent and looked as if he didn't know what to say.

"I'm so-"

"Sorry. I just let out the things that horrify me the most." I cut him off, "I'm so afraid that my parents will think my Grandma was right and then I you will be taken away from me."

Silent filled the room and I used this time to eat another slice of pizza and look into Patrick's beautiful eyes.

(Patrick's P.O.V.)

"Don't be afraid." I murmured as I closed my eyes and hugged Pete tightly. I let my head fall onto his shoulder as I felt his arms wrap around me.

He made me feel safe and secure. I wanted him to feel the same way. I could feel him inhaling and exhaling slowly in front of me. I smiled as he began to draw shape on my back.

"What are you doing?" I ask Pete, feeling as if I would giggle. He stopped.

"Why? Is it bothering you?" He asks as just kept his hand still and continued to have his arms wrapped around me.

"No, its just. It's just weird." Is all I can get out as he starts to draw the little circles and triangles on my back with his fingers once more.


I sat on the bed as I waited for Pete to get out of the bathroom. I looked around the room, nothing much covering walls, a few bands posters but mostly just the dark blue paint covering the walls.

Pete came in the room, only wearing a T-shirt and his boxers. I blushed slightly and turned to the other direction. He must've noticed because he walked right in front of me and smirked. I couldn't help but blush more and more.

"Want to borrow some pajama pants? Or do you sleep in your boxers too?" He asks as he sits next to me and checks his phone.

"Can I borrow some pajama pants, please?" I ask, still red from blushing crazily. He got up and opened the middle drawer of his dresser. He pulled out a pair of black and blue plaid pajama bottoms, looking back at me.

"These work?" He asked. I nod and he throws them at me, landing in my lap. I thought for a moment and looked down at the pants. "Are ya gonna change into them or just stare at them?" He asks as he looks at me.

"Do I have to change in here?" I ask quietly, almost blushing again at the sight in front of me. He smirks.

"I'd rather you change in here..." He starts as he bit his lip. "But that is your choice." He them quickly adds. I nod and stand up, going to the corner of the room away from Pete.

I start to unbuckle and zip down my skinny jeans and slide the pajamas up my legs. I fold up my jeans and turn around to see that Pete had now taken off his shirt. I blush EVEN MORE and remove my hat, setting it on the dresser.

I turned around again and then back to face Pete. He looks at me, furrowing his eyebrows. He was still in his boxers.

"Why did you turn around?" He asks as I smile.

"You keep removing a piece of clothing each time I turn around or don't see you, so I was hoping it would work again." Is all I say as he motions me to the bed.

He was already laying down, so I lay down next him and look into his eyes. He smirks.

"You dirty, little man." Pete says as I giggle. He pulls the covers over us and pulls me into his body.

(I feel like a large majority of my chapters are filler chapters. Fuck.

What country to do you live in?

United States, unfortunately. Who knows, I might be moving soon if Donald Trump becomes president.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Have a nice day/night!
Bye lil muffins.)

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