The Hills (1)

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The Hills (1)

I swiped red lipstick on my mouth, and added more mascara. Looking in the mirror, I smiled. I looked pretty good. My dark brown hair fell in loose curls to my waist, dark lashes surrounded my pale blue eyes, and my winged eyeliner was as sharp as my stilettos. I kept scrutinizing my appearance until I heard a shout,
"Kiara, hurry up we're going to be late, this is a party you don't want to miss." I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Hayley. My closest friend and the only reason I agreed to go out tonight. Parties have never really my scene. Ive never got drunk, I'm not into one one night stands, and I don't do drugs. I'm somewhat of a good girl I guess. But Hayley on the other hand...she loves to party almost as much as I love watching Netflix. And trust me when I say that's a lot. Walking out of my dorm, I meet Hayley on the curb. In a miniskirt and crop top she shows off her model figure and her makeup and hair are flawless. I suddenly feel nervous and try to stall, "Hayley are you sure you want to go to this party, I mean we can go to the movies, shopping, we can..." I see a look of disapproval on my friends face. "Kiara Marie Keller, you promised once we moved to Los Angeles, we would go out and have fun. You do know how to have fun right?" Hayley says with a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I unlock the the door to my white Jeep and step into the drivers seat. "Alright, alright, let's go. Where to?" I ask. "Not too far, it's in Hollywood. Up in the hills"
• • •
Pulling my white Jeep up to the mansion, I look out the window, surrounded by Ferraris, Benz, and Bentleys. Loud music pours out of the windows and from the balcony of the huge house. "Are you sure this is the right place" Hayley grins and steps out of the car. "Babe, chill, this is how we party in LA. The host is crazy rich and friends with tons of celebrities. There's probably some here right now." she winks and walks towards the house.

What have I gotten myself into. I'm about to be in a room full of the rich and famous. No big. All in your average day... totally. Suddenly nervous, and a little excited, I followed Hayley to the door. "Welcome to Los Angeles" she says, swinging open the door
First Story...hope you like it so far :) keep reading fam


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