Chapter 68: I'm Seeing Things, He's Just Like Him

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*Ryan's POV*

I blinked a couple of times to get a clearer view. I saw Z looking at me with a confused look. The man next to her looked worried too. I went closer to him and saw his face.

" I'm sorry. Can you give us a minute?" Z asked the guy nervously. She pulled me by the arm into my room. She closed the door and had her arms crossed. " Great way to embarrass the BOTH of us!" She yelled and I flinched at her strong voice. " I don't know why you randomly freaked out-"

" W-Wait, that's not Dallon Weekes?" I asked her.

" Dallon? I didn't even say Dallon. I said Flin," she said. What the fuck? I swear she said Dallon. Am I hearing and seeing things? When I went up to him, he looked different. Nothing like Weekes. "I'm gonna go now. Call me if you need anything." And she left me alone in the room. I'm confused.

*Halsey's POV*

I had just got out of the shower. I slipped into some comfy clothes before jumping on my bed. I opened up my laptop. Soon, my phone rang. I looked at it and saw Josh's name pop up. I smiled and answered the phone.

" Hello Mr. Dun," I chuckled.

" Hi Halsey. I got a question, would you like to join me on a night drive?" He asked me.

" I have school tomorrow. I need my sleep."

" I'm pretty sure that you don't actually go to sleep when you should on a school night. Nobody does. Now come on. I'm already outside." He immediately hung up. I looked out my window and saw Josh sitting on the hood of his car. He waved at me. I opened my window.

" You're lucky my parents already left, Dun!" I yelled. " go to the front door." I ran downstairs to quickly let him in. " And why do you all of the sudden wanna go on a night drive?" I asked him as we walked to the living room.

He sighed. " Debby came over when everyone left." I lifted an eyebrow. I know about her and everything. But what was she doing there?

" Why?" I asked.

" Can I just explain it to you on the drive? Me and Jenna use to do that but now she's always busy. She understood me the most and I'm starting to think you could as well," he replied.

I nodded. " Let me get dressed first."

I ran upstairs and dressed in a hoodie and leggings. Soon, we left the house. I sat in the front passenger's seat while he drove. I don't think I've ever been on a night drive. Not with Ryan. Not with Brendon.

" So tell me what happened," I said.

" Jenna and Tyler just left. I was going to my drum set and she was already inside the house. I guess they forgot to lock the door or something. I've never talked to Debby alone or been with her alone since the break up. It's always when she's with Jenna. I didn't want her there. I miss her and everything, but it's hard seeing her. Everything just sucks." His grip on the steering wheel tightened. " I don't even know why she had to leave. I didn't do anything wrong."

" You weren't the problem," I started.

" She said I was! I fucked up our relationship. And I thought everything was going well too. I don't know. Does she hate me? Is there something wrong with me Halsey?"

" No. I think she did it for your own sake-"

" For my own sake? I was in love with her. She took apart of me with her when she left me. How could she have left me for MY sake then get with another dude?" His sadness was turning into anger. I recognized this. Except, he didn't do anything wrong this time. He was in love. He was just like Ryan.


When I woke up. I was being carried upstairs to my room. I guess I fell asleep in the car. Josh laid me down on my bed and closed the door. But he didn't leave. I sat up.

" Is it okay if I stay the night? I don't really want to be alone tonight," he said softly. I thought about it. I'm still scared. I wouldn't want him sleeping alone downstairs or on the floor when he's hurting. I guess he'd have to sleep next to me. I could comfort him.

" You're lucky my parents aren't here," I replied and he climbed in bed next to me. He was already wearing sweats when he picked me up, so I'm sure he was comfortable.

*Ryan's POV*

I want to see Halsey. I need to tell her what just happened! I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't have seen Mr. Weekes as another guy. I'm starting to hallucinate!

I was outside her house already. It was a little late. Z wasn't home yet, so might as well. I rang the doorbell many times. Maybe she was sleeping already. I might still have keys to her house. I don't know if I gave them back to Marina or not. I checked all the keys I had and yup. Still had it.

I unlocked the door and ran upstairs. When I opened the door, I saw a guy in her bed. The guy from earlier. What was he doing in her bed?! I saw Halsey peacefully sleeping next to him. I pulled the blankets off of them which made them immediately wake up.

Halsey looked at me with fear, then anger. "What are you doing here, Ryan?! It's 11!" She yelled. Josh sat up.

" What is he doing here? Why is there a guy in your bed?! After all that happened?!" I yelled back.

Josh then looked at her confusingly. " I don't get it. Is this your boyfriend? Why is he freaking out?" He asked her. She shook her head no. " How did you even get in here dude?"

" I still have the key. Now answer-"

" Get out. You shouldn't even be here. What the fuck?" Halsey said.

" I had to tell you something."

" You couldn't wait until morning?" She asked. I shrugged. " Get out."

" Not until he leaves." I crossed my arms. She scoffed at me.

" Remember, this is my house. You can't make my guest leave. But I can make you leave. You're not the boss of more nor will you ever be. So get out." She looked at Josh. " I'm sorry. Just go back to sleep."

" I hope you know that you have school tomorrow. I know that you care about your grades."

" Just get out."
A/N: So Death Of A Bachelor finally came out holy fuck!!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Finals are coming up.-.

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