Acknowledging the letter

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Sting and Lucy attend Yukino's funeral, where Lucy gives Yukino a celestial wizard farewell sending her to the stars, after attending the funeral, Stings pulls Lucy somewhere and almost kisses her (again) but a young female voice interrupts them handing Lucy a weird letter with the initials 'FT' read in to find out who it is from.

Lucy P.O.V

Me and Sting almost kissed again but were interrupted again by a woman, that handed me a mysterious letter with the initials 'FT' on it.

"Who's it from blondie" Sting observed the letter that I was twiddling in my fingers.

"I don't know, do you know anyone with the initials FT " I look up at Sting confused.

"I don't" Sting said without any hesitation.

I turned the letter over and ran my finger across the red wax losing my self in my thoughts again, who can it be, who has the initials 'FT'.

"Blondie why don't you open it and you will find out who it is from" Sting bluntly said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah it would be easier than thinking about it" I pulled at the red wax lifting it from the paper and opened the letter fully.

"Come on blondie what does it say" you could tell Sting was starting to get impatient.

"Hold your horses I'll read it in a minute" I said looking at him.

Dear Lucy Heartfilia

You know who I am don't worry I mean you no harm, please come to the honey bone inn at 5:00pm today we need to talk

A friend
P.s when you arrive ask the reception for a letter addressed to you.

"Are you going to go" Sting said out of no where.

"Yeah but would you come with me just in case the person means to hurt me" I said looking at Sting hoping he will say yes.

"Ok blondie what time is it now" I rejoiced that Sting said yes but I don't know what time it is.

"Erm I don't know" I did not know what time it is.

"We'll go to the clock tower we will get the time there" Sting said walking in the direction of the clock tower.

Sting is actually quite smart, I thought he was just a play boy when we met during the grand magic games but I think I'm starting to like him.

"Blondie are you coming" his voice booms through my thoughts pulling me out of them again.

"Oh emm yeah wait up" I yell back to him running to meet him.

"You seem to be doing that lately" Sting said to me as soon as I arrive.

"Doing what" I ask a little confused.

"You keeping going in and out of your thoughts a lot is everything ok" he looks at me staring in to my eyes.

I started to blush a little from how close he is.

"Sorry I just have a lot on my mind at the moment sorry" I say to him trying to hide my blush.

"What are they" I flinch at his question, it startled me because he is being dead blunt.

"Well it's mainly of those people that we keep getting attacked by and Yukino and something else that I cannot tell you.

"Oh ok blondie" we continued to walk to the clock tower, we did not talk to each other the whole way there.

"Here we are blondie, it's 4:45pm where is the honey bone inn, do you know"Sting started to look around trying to locate the inn.

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