GhostKit & SilhouetteKit

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Name: "GhostKit"
Gender: "I'm a she-cat"
Age: " I'm 3 moons"
Rank: "Well kit duh :3"
Clan: (Open)
Looks: "I'm the white kitten in the photo"
Personality: "I'm friendly,playful,Normally happy,Loveable, a little goofy and a trouble maker"
M,C,K(Mate,Crush,Kits): "I'm too young!"
Family: "I have a sister called SilhouetteKit and a mother (Open) and a dad (Open)
Likes: Nuzzles, Being with family especially her sister and Watching the Warriors train.
Dislikes: Water, getting in trouble and rainy days.
Backstory: I would like her and her sister to be apart of a prophecy :)

Rp: Open

Name: "SilhouetteKit"
Gender: "She-cat"
Age: "3 moons"
Rank: "I'm a kit but I want to be a medicine cat when I'm older"
Clan: (open)
Looks: "I'm the black kitten in the photo"
Personality: "I'm shy but not to family, I'm kinda quite, I'm calm and respectful"
M,C,K(Mate,Crush,Kits): "I'm to young.."
Family: "I-I have a sister..Called GhostKit and a..M-mum (open) and dad (open)
Likes: Being with family epically GhostKit, watching the medicine cat and helping the medicine cat.
Dislikes: being in crowds and loud noises.
Backstory: I would like her and her sister to be apart of a prophecy :)

Rp: Open

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