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Name: " I'm TigerStripe, nice to meet you" TigerStripe/TigerPaw/TigerKit
Gender: "I'm a Tom"
Age: "19 moons"
Rank: "I'm a warrior"
Clan: (open)
Looks: "you see that handsome Tom in the pic? Yeah that's me"
Personality: "Well I'm very friendly, stubborn, very loyal to my clan and energetic.
M,C,K(Mate,Crush,Kits): "Nope, Nah and no"
Family: "I have a brother called LionStrike and my mother leporedFur"
Likes: His clan mates, Kits, Meeting new clan cats, Having fun and making others happy others.
Dislikes: Being sad and having a cat he loves die.
Backstory: "uhh my father died when I was a kit but apart from that I had quite a normal life.

Rp: Open

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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