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Name: "Call me FoxSpirt" FoxSpirt/FoxPaw/FoxKit
Gender: "Do I look like a Tom to you?"
Age: "20 moons, why?"
Rank: "Warrior of corse"
Clan: "MapleClan"
Looks: "Oh my StarClan are you blind? 👆"
Personality: "Meet me to find out"
M,C,K(Mate,Crush,Kits): "No no no"
Family: "Why do you ask?"
Likes: Being with BeeTail, Exploring, doing risky stuff and talking to clan mates.
Dislikes: Strangers, Cats that get on her bad side and getting wet.
Backstory: "Our old clan was destroyed until I meet FalconClaw and we joined MapleClan"

Rp: Open

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