Ch1 The Bunker

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Around the beginning of highschool is when I began to cut myself. My father had left long ago and I was left with a mother that was way to busy for me so I've mostly grown up alone. I have my own special place though when I really need time alone. Anyway, this story begins at the beginning of my Junior year in high school.

It's was the first day back to school and my sleep schedule was still set for summer. So, when my alarm went off that first day I instantly turned it off without thinking twice. When I began wondering why I set an alarm so early I snapped back to reality and remembered school. By the time I came to my senses I had 10mins to shower, get dressed, get my stuff together, make breakfast, and get to the bus stop down the street a little bit. With lightning speed I took a shower that could break the speed shower record. Quickly I dried off and slid in my boxers, pulled on my favorite pair of ripped jeans, put on a black shirt with skulls, slipped into my socks, and finally put on my wrist bands. I swiftly gathered my stuff together and ran into the kitchen whilst putting on my one strap back pack the kind with the on strap that goes across your chest. I popped a piece of bread into the toaster with haste. Thankfully we have a good toaster so by the time I got out the butter and knife the toast had popped up. I buttered the toast with ease before putting away the butter and knife and sprinting out of the house shutting the door behind me with a piece of toast in my mouth. Funny when I think of it now it sounds like the  stereotypical beginning of every anime. I'm supposed to run into a cute girl and see up her skirt now right? As I ran with all my power I turned right when I got to the edge of the street running passed the empty house next door. I was shocked for a moment when I saw a moving van in the driveway before I continued to the bus stop making it there just as the last kid was getting on.

The school day went like any other, shitty. I hung out with my best friend K.C. We sadly only had one class together this year. The day ended and and the bus eventually dropped me and a few others off at our stop. I was quiet and just waved bye to them. Depressed I went home passing by the house next door. The moving van was gone but lights were on in the house. I walked up to my door unlocked it and went in. I went upstairs to my room and looked out my window to the house next door. The house had a window directly adjacent with mine and I quickly noticed the light was.
"Great now someone has a easy way to look straight into my room." I guess I'll have to buy some blinds. I sighed. I grabbed my favorite hoodie, some bandages, paper towel, a flashlight, and finally my box cutter.

I walked out of my house and into the woods behind my house. These woods went for miles I guess that's why whoever built it built it here. As I walk a bit in the dim sunlight that shown through the trees I followed the mental path I had made and walked so many times before. Finally I came to the hatch and opened it before climbing down into the bunker shutting the hatch behind me with its unmistakable creak of the rusted springs. I climbed down the ladder and turned on my flashlight and began to turn on the lanterns I had set up through out the years to light the place up. With the place all lit up it felt a lot more comfortable. I walked over and sat in one of the darker corners of the bunker and began to cry a bit. I pulled out the box cutter and rolled up my sleeve and ran the blade across the skin of my right wrist, blood instantly began to flow a little out. I continued to until there were to many on that arm for me to continue and then began to clean the blood off my arm. That's when an unmistakable creak echoed through the bunker.

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