We landed in LAX and I was relieved to be off that plane, the landing was worse than the take off, even though I knew that we were safely back on earth.
"Got everything?" Brendon said as I pulled my duffel bag off the conveyer belt. I mumbled a 'yeah' in response and then we made our way out to the parking lot. I didn't know what car Brendon drove, but being the lead singer of a punk rock band, you must have to drive a nice car.
And I was right, Brendon pulled out his keys and walked over to unlock a 1976 Chevrolet Impala, red convertible. Inside I was thoroughly impressed, Bono's dad owned a used classic car dealership in New York, and he had one of these in white, Bono and I took it out once, and Bono was grounded for a month and not allowed to see me for two. Of course we never listened to any of that and saw each other anyway. However I kept my face straight and slid in the right hand door of the car.
The nights in spring were warm here, so when I hopped in the car, I rolled down the window revealing the warm California air, as oppose to the chilly New York ones, even in spring.
I glanced over at Brendon who started the car and began driving out of the lot of the airport. I didn't know where Brendon lived or how far away from the airport his house was, but I hoped it was relatively close, my eyes were growing tired, the doctor said this morning that I would be lazy for the next couple of days, I guess that's what happens when you try and kill yourself, must take it out of you.
"So?" Brendon began, wow nice conversation skills dipshit. I didn't think there was anything to reply to that, so I just stayed silent, letting the breeze blow through my probably incredibly knotted hair.
"Your rooms all made up, you're up the stairs, down the hall and to the right. Just if you were wondering." He mumbled the last bit, but his mumbling skills were just as bad as his conversation skills. I remained quiet for the remainder of the journey until we reached his house.
The car ride was shorter than I had expected but I didn't really know what to expect, it took us around half an hour to reach his house.
I had to physically stop my jaw from opening as we pulled up on the driveway, even though it was getting dark outside, everything was perfectly lit by small garden lights built into the floor. We were met by a large black gate, which disappeared into the wall when you typed a code in, the driveway was decorated with a small grassy roundabout, which sported a thriving green tree. The house was pale yellow and stone with three wooden garage doors on the side, the house was built in kind of an L shape. There was a large white balcony which decorated the front of the house and two smaller black iron balconies round the side, and above the big black wooden door, which I assumed was the front door. This house looked like it should belong in Italy and not a small LA town in California.
I stepped out the car almost gawking at the house, but then when I turned to see who I was accompanied by, my almost smile turned right back into the dead emotionless bitch I was used to.
I walked to the boot pulling out my green army duffel bag and slinging it over my shoulder along with my back pack. I followed Brendon down the drive way and watched him push open the door that would lead to, I guess, my home for however long he wanted me, until I was passed on again.
"Welcome home." I was met by four people, who all claimed to be happy to see me. I stood there, really not wanting to do this right now, my eyes following Brendon who kissed a woman I recognised to be Sarah. Well at least there a happy to see him. The gum I had in my mouth suddenly lost its taste and I began to feel sick at the sight of happy families, I have done ever since I was 8 years old.
The other three men all exchanged bro/man hugs with my so called brother. I recognised them to be members of my brother's band. Their names were Dallon, Kenneth and Daniel. Once they had all greeted each other, I think it was supposed to be my turn.
The first one to turn their attention to me was Sarah.
"Oh my goodness were being so rude, welcome home." She said turning and smiling taking a step towards me with open arms. I took a step back and she stopped. I looked around the house, and scoffed.
"This isn't my home." I said bluntly, then I turned and walked up the stairs, hopefully to find a bed I could sleep on.
Brendon's P.O.V
"Ronnie." I called after her as she walked up stairs away, locking herself away from the world again.
"Babe its fine. She's had a long day." Sarah said pulling on my forearm as I went to get her.
"I'm sorry guys I know you wanted to meet her." I sighed. Dallon chuckled before speaking.
"Are you sure that's your sister." The rest of the chuckled along with him, even I mustered up the energy to laugh.
"I'm not too sure at the minute, I'll get back to you on that one." I said as I smiled down at Sarah, placing a kiss on her forehead.
After around 20 minutes of general chat, the guys left, saying they'd be by in the morning, and Sarah and I were on our own.
"So how was the flight?" She asked resting her head on my chest as we sat on the couch.
"Awkward." I spoke, rubbing my hand up and down the back of her arm.
"I'm sorry honey, but she seems like she's had a tough go of it lately, I think she just needs to know someone cares." She said paying with the hem of my tee shirt.
"Well she knows someone cares, I haven't stopped saying it all day." I chuckled leaning my head back and forcing a hand through my hair.
"She feels like she's been abandoned her entire life, just show her you care, she'll come around." Sarah spoke softly, I placed a grateful kiss on her forehead, knowing how hard all of this must be on her. It must almost be like she has a daughter, but she's skipped all the cute baby years and jumped straight to suicidal, delinquent teenager.
Ronnie's P.O.V
I walked into my supposed new room and threw my bag to the floor in a childish strop. I looked around the room, it was bigger than my old one, the walls were painted white, there was a dark mahogany bed in the middle of the room, to match the dark mahogany wood floors, completed with white sheets and a black throw. To the side of it, there was a matching mahogany side table, with a white oval lamp. The window was decorated with thin white shades, and just behind was the black iron balcony that over looked the front drive. I walked over to the double doors, opened them and clutched the cool iron bars with my nimble fingers. If I were under different circumstances I think I would like it here, but the joyful laughs which continued to echo round the house reminded me that I wasn't wanted here.
My mind wondered back to Bono and I thought about what he might be doing now. Drugs. Was the first thing that came into my mind. Suddenly my mouth began to water and my stomach clenched. I needed to find people like me here, I would not be able to survive this trip unless I found people who cared about me, like the people back home did.
But my mind was compelling me to sleep at the minute. I took one last look out of the balcony before coming in but leaving the doors open, I could almost feel the warmth from the wind that blew the drapes. It was calming, and not a lot of things these days are calming to me.
I dug through my bag and pulled out one of Bono's oversized tee shirts which came to about mid-thigh, I cleaned my teeth and then climbed steadily into bed, pulling only the black throw over me. Within minutes I was out like a light, having no energy for thought or worry, the only thing on my mind was sleep.

This was a therapeutic chain of events.
FanficWhen Ronnie get's involved with drugs, runs away from home, and tries to end her own life. Will her older Brother Brendon be able to get through to her. Or will it be too late? "When you're Brendon Urie's kid sister, you tend to stay in the shadows...