I woke up the next morning, feeling satisfied with the sleep I had. Looking at my phone I definitely should be, it was 1:08 in the afternoon, which isn't strange for me on a Sunday, but I didn't go out last night, then I remembered I tried to kill myself and the thoughts passed. My eyes roamed down my phone screen and I saw I got a text from Bono, Luke and Jenny. No Mom, No Dad no surprise there then.
*You were supposed to call me when you landed fucker, hope you're all good, miss you like crazy!* Bono.
*Miss knowing you're not walking into the café this morning :( hope everything's going ok.* Lucas
*Hey, just wanted to let you know that Romeo is doing really well, you'll have to come see him sometime, I think he misses you.* Jenny
Shit I never told jenny I was leaving, I'll have to put that on my empty to do list for today. I sent an apology to Bono for not calling him, along with a few colourful names and some emojis, then I told Lucas that I missed him as well, and the coffee's here weren't as good as the one's he makes. Even though I hadn't actually tried coffee here, but who can beat New York coffee.
I groaned and rolled out of bed, my throat feeling dry, probably from the change in climate. I ran a hand through my hair and pulled the door open, leading out into a cool hallway, I followed my memory back down stairs and into the living room.
Brendon's P.O.V
I didn't hear Ronnie come down the stairs, and only noticed her when she walked into the room, making her way over to the fridge. She was wearing nothing but an oversized tee shirt, which read 'let's go be psychos together' and clearly used to belong to some guy. Keep your cool Brendon, keep your cool. I glanced at the clock and realised it was quarter past one.
"Good afternoon." I spoke, everyone around me went silent. There was no reply, nice one, good start Brendon. "Do you want some lunch?" I asked, getting up from the couch and making my way over to the kitchen.
"I'm not hungry." She said bluntly, pulling a bottle of water from the shelf. Well at least we got three words out.
"You didn't eat anything yesterday." I remembered, the doctor told me that she had to stay hydrated and eat three meals a day, at this rate I was failing already.
"I said I'm not hungry." She almost snapped, almost, were making progress here, it wasn't a full blown snap, but it was an almost. This is good.
"You have to eat Ronnie." Before I even finished my sentence, she was out the room and making her way back up the stairs.
I turned to the group of people who had been watching me this entire time, and threw my arms after her, making my eyes big as if to say, 'what the fuck am I supposed to do with that?' The guys just started laughing, and even Sarah chuckled. After all their giggles had subsided Sarah spoke.
"Just make her something anyway." She smiled encouragingly at me.
I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some cold meats and butter, walking over to the bread bin and pulling out some wholegrain bread. I could tell I was probably making faces as I slapped them all together because tweedle dumb one two and three over there couldn't stop laughing.
I shot them a sarcastic smile nodding my head along with their laughter, before shooting them and evil look, making them all shut up. I made my way up stairs and knocked on Ronnie's door, obviously there was no answer, so I just went ahead and let myself in.
I walked round the bed and placed the sandwich on the bed side table next to her, she didn't even look up from her phone.
"Ronnie the doctor said you need to eat." I said standing above her folding my arms over my chest. No answer.
"Ronnie, can you look up from your phone for one second." I groaned. She looked up from her phone for literally one second, then looked back down again, nice one Brendon. "Ha very clever." I smiled sarcastically.
"Everyone wants to meet you." I said debating whether or not to sit on the bed, by the way her leg was angle, I didn't want to risk a dead leg, so I decided against it.
"I think I'll pass on the whole family bonding exercises for today thanks." She snarled looking up at me. Aha, at least she looked up, and that's probably the biggest sentence she's given me since we arrived, result. Although my thoughts were eradicated when her blue eyes returned to the glaring screen in front of her.
"You're gonna have to meet them all some time." I sighed.
"No today I don't." She sighed right back. I remembered the day she had yesterday and didn't want to push her. I realised she was probably tired, so I just reminded her to eat before leaving the room, pulling it up behind me. I stood my ground for a minute throwing my head back and closing my eyes, which were abruptly opened again by the sound of a shoe hitting the door in order to close it all the way. My eyes shot open and my whole body jumped, I looked back at the door with wide eyes, immediately walking away from it fearing for my life.
"How'd it go?" Dallon asked me as I walked back in to the living room.
"Did you hear that noise?" I asked, walking casually over to the couch.
"Yeah what was that?" Kenneth added, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"A shoe." I spoke, shrugging my shoulders and nodding quickly to myself before taking a seat next to Sarah. "I think we're making progress." I spoke throwing my arm along the back of the couch, running a hand through my hair and taking a gulp of beer. I then heard a crash from straight above us, from what sounded like the bathroom door. Everyone was silent, I made my lips into a frown and raised my eyebrows.
"Yep, definitely making progress."

This was a therapeutic chain of events.
FanfictionWhen Ronnie get's involved with drugs, runs away from home, and tries to end her own life. Will her older Brother Brendon be able to get through to her. Or will it be too late? "When you're Brendon Urie's kid sister, you tend to stay in the shadows...