Chapter 4-date?

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Caulum POV
"Hey Ashley. I'm sorry about yesterday. My friends can get a little impatient when it comes to band practice." I say walking up to Ashley at her locker
"It's cool don't worry about it."
"So I was wondering that since we haven't finished our project would you want to come over and work on it. Maybe when we're done we can talk?"
"Yea sure. Let's go."
"What? Right now?"
"Well yea. I mean I know I worked on the project but with your never ending texting to me I assume you haven't done much. So yea right now. Let's go." She replies
"Okay." I say following her to my car.

The drive to my house was absolutely silent other than the quiet sound of falling in reverse being played on the radio with Ashley slightly humming along. When we finally got to my house we went up to my room and started working.
"Okay so I was thinking that along with the power point we could play one of their songs?"
"Yea sounds good." I say
"Okay what song?"
"Umm how about lost in stereo that's ones good."
"Alright" she says adding the song onto the power point.
"So" I say sitting on the floor next to Ashley as she closes my laptop and sets it on the floor next to her.
"What?" She replies
"Would you maybe umm want to be my girlfriend?"
"Oh! Umm..... Cal I um well. I'm really not looking for a relationship right now......."
"Oh okay. Don't don't worry about it umm just forget I ever asked" I stutter while looking down.
"..........but.........I um I guess one date won't hurt....."
"Really!" I explain
"Haha yea." She laughs
"Great! I'll um I'll pick you up tomorrow night? 7?"
"Yea sure." She replies with a smile "oh cal could you drive me home?"
"Yea sure" I say as we stand up and walk out to my car.
She said yes!

Ashley POV
Why did i say yes!??! I don't want to date! I hate dating! Why did I fucking say yes! Was it the way he looked so sad after I said no? Do I like him?!!!? What the fuck is going on!?
I was snapped out of my boughs but Nancy calling me "Ashley your date is here!"
"Okay coming!" I yell back "okay. Here goes nothing"I mutter to myself as I walk towards Calum.
I was wearing a pair of black jeans,thin black t-shirt and my black converse
A/N: wow that's a lot of black
"Wow Ashley you look uh- just umm- wow!" Calum said walking towards me
"Umm thanks. You don't look too bad either." I say returning the compliment
"Okay you ready to go?" He asks
"Yep let's go"
"Have fun!" Nancy yells

Calum opens the car door for me which was really surprising. Especially for him.
"So um what are we doing?" I ask as he sits down in the car too.
"It's a surprise." He says as he looks at me and smiles.
"Okay" I laugh. "Do you wanna at least tell me where we're going?"
"Nope" he says as he consciously pulls out of my driveway into the thin road.
"Where here." He says
"Wait are we seeing a concert?!!?"
"Yep!" He says smiling.
"Who?!" I practically yell
"Falling in reverse." He says pulling the tickets out of his pocket
"No way! Really!!!?"
"Yep." He grins getting out of the car as I do.
"How did you know I like the??!"
"Well first I asked Nancy what type of music you like and she said that you were always blasting screamo" he says pausing to laugh a little " and I asked her to ask what your favorite band was and she said falling in reverse and you were also humming along to them in my car yesterday."
"Oh...haha. That makes sense." I say as we sit down in our seats. "And you got great seats!" I exclaim
"That's not the only thing. There's something after this too." He says smirking.
"What is it?!!"
"You'll find out."

Finally falling in reverse came out with their opening song being my favorite, sink or swim. I couldn't help but sing along and mouth the screamo parts. I'm sure Calum thought I was insane. Sadly the last song had to come. They closed with raised my wolves. Another one of my favorites
A/N: I do actually like falling in reverse they are amazing and if you like up beat and loud music you should check them out

"So there's one more thing we have to do before I take you home." Calum says as we are walking to his car.
"Okay what?"
"Follow me."
He says turning around and walking towards the stage. Little did I know we were going back stage.
"Oh my god I'm gonna fucking die!" I squeal as I see Ronnie Radke, Ryan Seaman, Max Green, and Jacky Vincent standing on stage waiting for me and Calum.
"Hey Ronnie?" Calum says suddenly as I quickly and tightly squeeze his arm.
"Yes?" He replies
"I'm the one who called you the other day and had a really big fan of you guys that you said you would meet...." He begins
"Right! I was just telling them about this. Who is it?"
"What oh yea. This is Ashle- Ashley?" He says as I hide behind a curtain on the stage "Ashley come on." He says dragging me back into the stage towards my favorite band.
"Hi." I say quickly marking it as short as possible.
"Hey! How are you!" Says Ryan.
"I'm good. You guys were really good by the way." I say beginning to open up a little more.
"Looks like someone's nervous." Ronnie says. "And thanks. It was fun." He laughs
"So that was the last thing." Calum says
"Okay!" I say grinding like a moron.
"Do you play any instruments?" Asks Jacky
"Oh yea do you?" Asks Calum staring at me.
"Umm yea. I do actually. I play drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano and ukulele. And I sing." I say smiling "I'm really bad at them though."
"Wanna play something?" jacky asks handing me his guitar
"Oh umm okay." I say as I begin playing sleeping with sirens go go go.
"Oh wait!"Ronnie yells
"What?" I ask concerned as he pulls a mic up and adjusts it to my hight.
"Sing too!"
"Oh ummmm oka- okay" I say nervously and begin playing again.
We always seem to find a way to fuck things up
At the worst time, you know
We've never been the smartest
You know you could have anyone
But standing on the edge I said
I don't want no one else

They say it's time to grow up and stop with these foolish games
But I say they're wrong
She says go, go, go
I don't want to take it slow
There's plenty of time for us to finally get it right
Why don't we crash and burn tonight?

Shoulda known we were too young to feel this much
It could kill us, you know
My nearly departed
Said you were corrupting me, I was naïve
But no one knew
I kept it to myself

They say it's time to grow up and stop with these foolish games
But I say they're wrong
She says go, go, go
I don't want to take it slow
There's plenty of time for us to finally get it right
Why don't we crash and burn tonight?

This is how we'll always be
And they'll see we were right and they were wrong
So I'll put it in a song
And you can sing along

She said go, go, go, I don't wanna take it slow
She said go, go, go, I don't wanna take it slow, oh

Go, go, go
I don't want to take it slow
There's plenty of time for us to finally get it right
So why don't we crash and burn tonight?
Crash and burn tonight"
"Holy shit! Your really good!" They all say
"Oh umm thanks.
"Well we should be going was great meeting you." Calum says
"Oh yea. You too." Ronnie says staring at me.
"Oh hold on! Can I get a picture with you guys?"
"Of course!" Ryan says getting into s group of his friends and I.
"Thanks. Okay well bye." I say walking with Calum to his car.

The car ride again was silent but it was a comfortable silence.
"Thanks for taking me out tonight. I had a lot of fun." I say smiling as we walk to my door
"Me too" Calum says. "Maybe we could do this again?" He asks
"Yea why not." I say smiling insanely now.
"Yea. Okay." He says smiling back. Slowly he leans in both of us closing our eyes then finally our lips met.

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