3 #whatsgoingtohappentome.

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What did just happened?
I can't think, I can't move, I can't see...
"S-Sarah..." I whispered to myself.
"Sarah" I whispered her name again, approaching her body.
"Sarah?" I sat on the cold concrete, watching her; watching my best-friends dead body. Tears fell, and voice refused to come out, my brain refusing to admit the ugly truth.
"How... Why?" I said to myself more than to the men standing above me.
"YOU BEAST!" I screamed, tasting the tears running down my cheeks like speed cars.
"WHY?!" I exclaimed.
One of them approached me, lowering his body to my level and that's when I realized the color of his eyes, the color of his body and the fangs?
"Who are you?" I whispered, chock taking place of my anger.
"The question that you should be asking right now sweet blood is: 'what's going to happen to me?' " The man said softly, smiling.
I felt scared, goosebumps washing my body.
The way he talked to the way he moved, breathed and just stayed there was enough to make me feel like... Like the end.
I gasped for air; I can't breath, my vision went blurry and I started silently crying intimidated by his presence, my eyes met Sarah's, the look in them, the look in her eyes... It's like hollow.
"Shuush, don't cry dear, I have other planes for you" his voice reassuring, his index under my chin, rising my head a little to face him.
In that exact moment, that thing; that monster in a fraction of a second looked beautiful under the pale moonlight, his pale blue eyes reflected my soul and transcribed sadness and loneliness.
"Such a beautiful human" he said to himself.
He leaned forward and next thing I knew, his lips softly kissed mine, but the kiss seemed like he wanted to taste me more than to kiss me, for some reason; I closed my eyes, taking pleasure of it, for a second it tingled a bit, then his cold lips felt like fire and I wanted more.
It tasted like... Like something I can't tell, and he smells like something or someone familiar to me, like a forgotten person, and as he broke free I just remained speechless, my eyes growing bigger by the coming questions and sensations.
I looked at him and his face was unreadable, we stayed looking at each other for a minute before he spoke.
"We shall take her with us" his tone cold, demanding as if he was born to rule and order but his glare never once broke mine.
He stood up and as he did I watched Sarah again reality slapping full force across my face, I found myself crying like never before, crying for her, crying for me.
cold hands lift me bridal style, I was now between the monsters claws; not aware of my present nor my future.
I cried on the monsters shoulder and his grip tightened as if trying to comfort me, then i passed out and I saw red, not darkness but red.
What's going to happen to me?

The Beast's WifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant