Chapter 6

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After a quarter of an hour's walk and several turns through the colossal maze of corridors I finally reached my shared room in the acres of stretched dormitory. My pooled recluse was not so awe-inspiring like the rest of the Wolzard; in fact it felt normal like any other dorm-room. It wasn't draped in that monotonous white color instead it had several vibrant colors splashed on its walls- which I believe is a good thing as just for the hours I'd spend over here I won't get the feeling of insecurity like I was getting throughout those protracted minutes.

One thing I'd have to admit about Wolzard is that they aren't magpies in terms of providing us with spacious rooms, as our dorm-room was more voluminous than my own bedroom back home. There were two beds at the either side of the room which were placed adjacent to the white grilled windows facing the entrance door wall. Beside our beds were two elegant study tables with a lamp safely placed on them. The best part was that both of us had our separate double door wooden cupboard which was one of the several things I found impressive. They unmistakably do understand the value of privacy and are very much up front in providing us with it. Light hue of pink color was splashed on the walls, on which was that edgy texture of several colors borrowed from the rainbow. More than a few sayings were framed on the walls. I felt self-conceited as I successfully identified some of the authors of those sayings.

"Oh my goodness! Kelsi open your cupboard at the very instant." Fiona croaked. Is she a child? What in hell she found so amusing in her cupboard that she now wants to survey for it in mine?

Every thought of sarcasm left me when I gave an enigmatic peek to my cupboard. I was too taken aback to even think. I opened the doors of my cupboard to see the best part of Wolzard- a replica of my own cupboard was waiting behind those rosewood doors with all those things that were exclusively mine. My dresses were nicely hung from the hanger. Nostalgia crept in me. So this means that they have swapped our cupboards. Now I realized why my grandma forbade me from carrying any luggage as she was already aware about it. I wish if this cupboard could take me back home to my parents whom I was already missing so very much. From the outside it looked like any other well furnished cupboard but from the inside it was all mine...the one with which I had lived for so many years. The one with which I had shared innumerable memories. I never knew that my cupboard could ever bring me so much glee. My thoughts wandered across the wizard's part of Wolzard, to the wolves coterminous, to the forbidden coterminous, wondered if Alyssa too would be feeling the way I was. I guess she too would be waiting for a moment to sneak out from her part of Wolzard to meet me, to hug me and to say how much she missed me. The thought made a tear escape from my eyes and travelled across my face. This time I didn't bar myself from giving an expression to my grief because I could feel the crying need for it. I did silent weeping for a few seconds till I was self-assured that I won't break down in front of Fiona. I made this esteem rule of mine of not being sissy by crying in front of anyone. Although I've already broken the rule by crying unabashedly in front of my parents and Alyssa because of this atrocious university.

As I was about to close the doors of my closet, suddenly my eyes fell on a white envelope which was securely resting at such a place on the wooden floor of the wardrobe where my eyes would indubitably linger. I stooped down to pick it up; my name was inscribed on it in black ink. In an instant I recognized the owner of the calligraphy; it was from my mom. Did she know about it? Of course she was aware of it after all my parents are the alumni of this university but why didn't she tell me much about it, several questions which until now I tried to keep inside of me were coming out to the surface and I wanted an answer to it all but how? Maybe this letter from her would help me sketch a rough answer to those undecipherable questions. As I was to open the letter Fiona again made the wrong time entry of her thoughts.

"Isn't it incredible?"

I quickly shoved my letter in a secure place, away from her espy because I was scared that if her eyes would fall on it then she would become too knaggy to want to know the content of my epistle.

"Yeah it outsourced all the vanities of fancies which magic can ever bring to reality." Indeed, it was for me. It's stupid but that wardrobe is my solace because just by looking at it made me feel like I was back at home. I think I would read that letter when she would be gone. So that I could go through each and every obscure detail which my mom had in that letter for me.

Looking at her watch she said. "So now it's 5:00 pm and the gates will open at 6:00 pm. We both and my other friends would go and enjoy this third dimension fantasy. Okay?" She used her hand briskly to show how exciting all of it was.

In the beginning I wanted to gripe against it but I couldn't let go of the opportunity of experiencing the third dimension so without much of a waiting I gave a nod accompanied by a buoyant beam.

I wish if Alyssa would have been over here with me to deepen all this exhilaration but I hope to see her outside the gates of Wolzard. I cannot wait to show how bitterly wrong Fiona is about our friendship. I know that it's futile to hope for everything to be back to normal but at least I can hope for something to gratify this gloominess which is now deep rooted in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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