The Battle Begins

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Amethyst shine and I were walking through the streets of the Crystal Empire. We talked and at one point she let me hold little baby cadence. That's another thing I never really understood. A cadence is a chord for the piano and probably some other instrument. Yah, so a cadence is a musical thing while this filly is princess of love. It just doesn't make sense... then again, as daddy always says, what fun is there in making sense.

"So Screwy," Amethyst said "I just cant help but wonder about your eyes. Why are they spirals?"

"Oh, well..."

But I was soon cut off by a loud rumbling sound we could see dark clouds rolling in from every direction. I knew what the meant

"We should probably seek shelter, looks like a really bad storm is coming." Amethyst commented.

I just stood there paralyzed, I never thought i'd be a part of this battle... I was a bit scared, not for myself but for others. I don't like most ponies, but there are some good ones, like The Doctor, Derpy and Amethyst.


I turned to see Derpy and the Doctor running towards me.

"We should probably seek shelter." Doctor Whooves

"That's what I said" Amethyst commented

The Doctor looked at the purple pegasus

"Who, in all time and space, are you exactly?" The doctor asked

I rolled my eyes "Doctor, Derpy, meet Amethyst Shine and baby Cadence. Amethyst, meet Doctor Whooves and Derpy" I quickly introduced them to one another "Now, it's dangerous out here. Lets go to the castle!"

The doctor would've commented but the rest of us ran to the castle so he followed

We all made it to the castle and right when we were about to enter, a whole lot of crystal guards exited along with a red alicorn. He had aurmiur on and had a red and white striped mane and tail. His cutie mark was a red, heart shaped crystal very similar to the crystal heart, and his eyes were a crystal blue color. I knew him as king Rubenis of the Crystal empire.

When he saw Amethyst he quickly walked over to her "Ametyst you must stay inside and protect Cadence"

"But, what's going on?" She asked in a worried tone

He frowned "The Chaos Bringers, they're attacking the empire. We are going to help protect the empire. Now please go inside"

Amethyst nodded "I love you Rubenis." She said before quickly kissing him for, what I knew would be, the last time.

The Crystal king departed with all his soldiers and we were left to shelter ourselves.

As we were approaching the throne room of the castle I remembered something, "The Crystal heart!"

Amethyst looked at me "What?"

"We need to find the crystal heart!" I told the three, who gave off confused looks "It can repel the Draconequi."

"But, it was a wedding gift, It's used to spread love and hope throughout Equestria. It cant repel evil."

The Doctor looked at me in amazement "Screwy you are a genius!"

"I know" I smirked "Now we have to get the heart!"

Amethyst was willing to trust us on this, she began to head to where the heart was kept and we all followed. I could feel all the chaos outside. I could sense that the Draconequi were winning and I was afraid, afraid we wouldn't make it, that we would all be lost. I knew how this battle had turned out in the end, but it wasn't the same.

After a minuet we made it to a hall with stained glass windows. It was a lot like the one in Canterlot castle. At the end of the hall there was a crystal case where we could only assume the heart was kept.

Amethyst quickly opened the case and gave me the heart. She couldn't carry it because she was still holding Cadence. We turned around and our journey back outside the castle began.

We all ran as fast a our Whooves could carry us and before long we were in the throne room, and that's when I felt something wrong, A sort of magical imbalance.

The queen froze in her tracks as crystals began to form around her hooves.

"Get the heart to the center." She commanded as the crystal spread "Save the empire"

I don't know if she knew why this was happening, but I did. And now, if we didn't hurry... well that would be bad.

I passed Derpy the crystal when I saw how close the chaos creatures were, I had to delay them.

"Hurry and activate the heart! I'll stall the Draconequi" and then I teleported away.

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