To the Future

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The TARDIS's wooshing came to a stop. We were at our next destination.

"So where are we?" I asked

"Not spoiling it for you." He smirked

"Could you at least tell us when?" Derpy asked him

I nodded "Past, present or future?"

"Future." He stated. "Which means, since you are immortal and will eventually go back to your original life, you need to disguise yourself."

What? Why." I questioned, well I think it was actually wining and complaining not really questioning.

"Well, there a lot of ponies who know you." The doctor explained "Either disguise yourself or avoid Princesses Celestia, Luna Cadence, Skyla, Twilights Sparkle...

"Twilight is a princess?"

"After a magic spell gone wrong that altered her friends' destinies she set things right and gained wings, it was only about a year after Discord was returned to stone." Derpy explained

"Anyways," The doctor continued " You'd also need to avoid Morning Glory Sparkle, Star Gazer Sparkle, Yourself Flutterfly, and her twin brother, Chaos, Chocolate Lilly, Fluttershy..."

"No problem with that one and Twilight" I mumbled


"WHAT!?" I screamed excitedly, "Daddy Discord is going to be here?"

Doctor Whooves nodded

"It's not an execution or anything right?" I questioned the thought had popped into my head and I began to worry

"Why would they do that?" Derpy asked probably knowing something I didn't know.

"He took over Equestria, twice, and in the future probably more, he is a Draconequus, the kind of creature responsible for the death of the alicorns. Why wouldn't ponies want him dead?" I asked "They see him as evil."

"Not everypony does." Derpy told me. "There was somepony able to see the good in him, and bring it out."

"But, he's chaos! He isn't meant to be good!" I protested.

"Well, things change, speaking of..." The doctor added "You'd also have to avoid King Mothball and Princess Paintball of the changelings. As well as all other immortals and descendants of the mane 6."

"Wait, why?" I asked "wouldn't they thing I was the current Screwball?"

"Nope." Derpy awnsered

"You may be immortal," The doctor said "but you can still age. The you in this time looks a bit older, plus if ponies saw two Screwball's, well some would think it's a bit of magic, some would thing they were going insane, but those who know you best would know what was going on."

"Things could change then there'd be a time paradox and reapers would have to cleanse the earth by destroying it!" Derpy added "And even though I haven't seen one, I know it's bad!"

"Okay Derpy." The doctor stopped her from saying anything else "We should get going. We wouldn't want to miss the festivities."

Derpy nodded "Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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