The Heart

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Doctor Whooves and Derpy rushed outside the castle as fast as possible to get the crystal heart to its place... but there was no pony to help power it.

"We need the crystal ponies." The doctor stated.

Derpy looked at him questioningly "Why?"

"Because, the crystal ponies are needed to power the crystal heart. By thinking of all of the good times in life, all those great memories and channeling them into the heart to power it up, they can protect the Empire, and spread happiness and love throughout Equestria!" He explained excitedly

"then what are we waiting for!" The grey pegasus mare beamed "We've got some ponies to gather!"

The duo dashed off and began pounding on doors getting crystal ponies to come out,

"Help power the crystal heart to protect the empire!" Derpy called out "We need you to!"

Ponies began to emerge from their homes and walked towards the heart

"Come on you all can do it, think good thoughts about your king and queen." The doctor urged as ponies gathered around it.

The crystal ponies began to bow towards it and poured in their love for their beloved rulers. Everything began to glow and the heart began spinning ass it powered up and in a bright flash of colors, the love the crystal ponies felt was able to spread through the empire and push away the evil chaos bringers.

As the glow died down the ponies cheered about saving their empire.

Then I reappeared, I saw all the ponies crystalized. Even I had a crystal coat, my mane had been smoothed out and a laurel crown was in place of my propeller hat... I hope I get that back when the crystallization wore off. Derpy had a silver ribbon woven through her mane, and the doctor had also been crystalized with no other changes.

So anywaysI had held of the Draconequi long enough, and after they had been defeated for this battle I had flown down. What I saw was... sad, it was horrible.

There were many fallen soldiers, the crystal king among them. Rubenis was dead, he had been killed by the Draconequi. And so many had given their lives. I couldn't help but feel sad.

I couldn't handle it, so I teleported back to the empire and there were so many ponies. They had saved their kingdom. Though now they needed a ruler to guide them. They had lost their king queen and princess, but they hadn't let them fall for nothing. Well I guess Cadence would come back someday. But till then, well the crystal ponies needed somepony to rule.

The doctor somehow read my thoughts "They are smart, they'll figure out how to rind a ruler. They'll find an excellent queen."

Derpy turned to us "Can we stay for the fair?"

The doctor shrugged "I don't see why not."

A few days later we were back in the TARDIS after the fair had ended.

"So where now?" The cross-eyes mare questioned excitedly

The doctor pushed a few buttons and flipped a switch or two "You'll see."

Then the TARDIS began whooshing

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