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Towards the end of the term, Professor McGonagall announced the last trip to Hogsmeade for the year. Hermione decided to stay behind.

"Hermione, are you sure you really want to stay behind?" Ron asked for the 27th time.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Are you really sure you want to stay behind?"


Both Harry and Ron were taken aback and Ron shuffled away to get a ride .



"There's something you're not telling me."

"I, I swore an Unbreakable Vow not to tell you. Everyone did."

"Does it have something to do with me losing a bunch of blood? Because Madame Pomfrey could just replicate my blood cells and I would be perfectly alright. So there shouldn't be a cause for alarm."

Harry hesitated, and then said, "I'm not allowed to tell you."

"So it DOES have something to do with it!"

Harry sighed, and patted her shoulder, "I need to go to Hogsmeade, bye." and he left.

Hermione went to the library and settled down to read. The clock slowly crawled towards 3, a voice spoke behind her.

"So, you're not going to Hogsmeade either?"

"No." Hermione replied without glancing up from the book, she knew this voice. "And why would you care Malfoy?"

"Well, it IS the last Hogsmeade trip we'll ever have."

"You're sound like Ron and Harry. It is the last Hogsmeade trip have." Hermione mimicked his tone. "So? What difference does that make?"

"So everyone is gone. Except for you."

"I need to do research." Hermione says annoyed, hoping Draco would go away.

"It's the end of the term Granger. We don't have any tests left."

"No, I'm trying to research what actually happened to me."

"Potter told you then." Draco said smirking.

"No, but he mentioned the Unbreakable Vow."

"Well then you're looking at the wrong book."

At this, Hermione whirled around and said, "As if YOU know which book is the right one."

"I do. Try this one instead." Draco tossed to Hermione Madame Pomfrey’s book and said, "Good night." Then he walked away. Hermione took the book and walked upstairs to her dorm. Hermione spent all her time the next day reading the book, 'Rare Diseases of Witches and Wizards'. One of the diseases interested her particularly. Mate's Blood. Almost everything was unknown about it since it rarely happens. Whoever has it goes into a coma for two weeks, and then dies if they don't have the cure. And the cure is the blood of your mate which is a witch or a wizard for sure. And the disease only happens to witches or wizards. Those who are muggles or whose mate is a muggle is generally immune to the disease.

Wait. That's it isn't it. Hermione's mind raced. Ron donated the blood. But if he did, why does he eat a lot less and acts so strange. And Malfoy keeps on looking at me. Is it possible that Malfoy was the one whose blood matched with mine? Merlin's beard no. I'll need to find Malfoy. NOW.

Hermione headed toward the Slytherin common room just in time to see Draco come out.

"It's you isn't it!" She blurted, "I got the disease, and you're supposed to be my mate."

Draco stared at Hermione, not blinking and nodded slowly. The two stared at each other warily.  Hermione turned to leave when he grabbed her arm.

"Wait, come with me for a second."

"Malfoy, I don't think we shou-"

"It's in the Room of Requirement, we won't get caught. Plus, it's six. Which is the perfect time to see it."

"See what?" Hermione asked curiosly.

"I'm not telling you until you come."


Draco smirked and the two went in the Requirement Room. When they went inside, the room was blank but there was a tunnel on one side of the wall.

"This was what you were thinking?" Draco nodded. He grabbed Hermione's hand and marched down the tunnel. When they came back up, they were in this open area surrounded by trees.

"Where is this?"

"The dead center of the Forbidden Forest, even Hagrid doesn't know how to get here."

"Then how do you even know about this place?"

"Once I told the Room of Requirement to bring me somewhere peaceful where I won't be bothered."


"It brought me here."  Draco started to climb a tall tree. "Come up, the view of the lake is amazing."

"I can't climb."

"I can make you fly. Wingardium Leviosa." Hermione floated like a feather up the tree.

"It was YOU who brought me to the hospital, not Ron."

"Yes, now look." Draco pointed out to the sky. "Wow." Hermione breathed. It was just at sunset and the sun looked like it was melting into the lake. The lake itself was shining and reflecting the sun's radiance. The surface was shimmery with shades of gold.

"It's beautiful Draco." Draco's heart lurched, that was the first time Hermione called him by his first name.



"I- um……” Draco leaned into Hermione and brushed his lips on her’s. Draco tasted like... like spearmint. Hermione was shocked. Hermione slowly pulled back.

"Um…We should go back, the others will be looking for us." Draco frowned. Hermione jumped down and said,

"Draco, you're not gonna like this."


"The tunnel disappeared."

"Hermione, are you a witch or not? I hate to think that Hogwarts wasted all those years of education on you just so you can forget everything." Draco jumped to the ground and said "Specialis Revelio." The tunnel gradually appeared. When they got back to the Room of Requirement, Draco headed back to his dorm and Hermione went to the library. She randomly picked some books for her excuse and headed to her dorm.

"Where have you been Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Library." Harry and Hermione said at the same time.

"Really Ron," Harry said, "It's always the library."

Hermione sunk into a chair. "I hate you guys."

"Why?" Harry asked,

"You didn't tell me about Draco."

"What about Draco?" Ron asked,

"Draco being my 'mate'."

"We swore the Unbreakable Vow. And I was," Ron took a deep breath and said, "I was scared that you wouldn't love me anymore and that you will go after Draco instead."

"You're such a git Ron, but I still love you." Hermione gave Ron a peck on the cheek and went back to her dorm.

"C'mon Ron, let's go sleep."

Late at night, Hermione lay in bed thinking. Do I really love Ron or did I say that just so he won't scream bloody murder at me. Or maybe I love Ron as a brother instead. What about Draco? What happened just now... Who do I actually love? This world is SO darn confusing. Hermione sighed. As usual.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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