Chapter 2

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This next chapter was inspired by Caitlin, she helped me think of the plot(: ((and she's the main lady))

My head hurt and my body snapped up right. I rubbed my head and looked beside me. Still empty. I sighed, replaying my dream in my head. It was just a dream. Calum still loved me, as he had for the past four years. But judging by the empty sheets next to me, our fight was not fake. I picked up my cell on the beside table and dialed him.

"Caitlin." He answered. "Stop calling."

"I want you to come home, Cal." I whispered, but he hung up.

Last night before dinner, Luke came over. He needed help writing a nrw song, but he was sick of the boys opinion. Calum tried to help, but Luke kept pushing him off, saying he wanted his older sister's opinion on love because he needed a girls point of view on the song. I chose the wrong time to be honest.

"Love sucks, really." Luke had laughed, but Calum seemed hurt. I tried to explain that I meant sometimes love was hard, not that Calum's love was bad, but he wouldnt hear it.

"Really, Cait?" Calum had yelled. Luke left then, sensing tension. As soon as Luke left the doorway, Calum fumed.

"I give you everything, Caitlin. And you say love sucks? Im always there for you, but no, I suck." I was opening my mouth to respond but he stormed out of the kitchen. I didnt follow, like I should have. Moments later he left the house with a suitcase full of clothes and his bass. I cried until I fell asleep. Now, here I am, without the person I love most. I whiped out my phone again and called my baby brother.

"Luke?" I mumbled when he answered.

"Caity?" He said back. "Are you okay?"

"No." the tears emptied onto my face, running down my cheeks.

"Look, I'll talk to Cal. It will be okay." After a quick i love you, he hung up. I was once again left alone to think. I turned on some music and opened my lap top to get on twitter and empty my mind. I scrolled through my timeline until I found what I never wanted to: "@Calum5SOS: when will she learn?"

I quickly checked my mentions, and sure enough, rumors of our split where everywhere. I logged out, wiping away more tears when the front door opened. Calum strode in, picked me up off the couch and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mumbled. I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine. Our lips intertwined in a soft kiss and I smiled.

"I'm sorry, too." I said.

He shrugged out of his coat and ran a hand through his quiff. "I hate fighting with you. I fucking love you, women."

I laughed. "I fucking love you, too."

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