3) Really?!?!?!

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That's what I'm feeling currently. I was messaged by Ricky to come to the studios early and to bring something, an object of some sort that symbolizes either a significant time in our life or our whole life and what I've brought sums up my life completely

I'm feeling anxious because of how he may react and based on the previous season they film this bit so it's broadcasted all around the world and Ricky told me to come an hour early so I'm anxious as so what he wants to tell me

My heart is pounding in my chest as I walk through some doors that lead to out the back of the studios where there's surprisingly a pool and a garden

~Ok Taylor, calm yourself and be cool~

I tell myself as Ricky's face comes into view we both smile at each other as he gives me a hug and tells me to sit down

"I expect you wish to know why your here so early?"

He questions as I nod with a pleading look on my face which makes him laugh

He doesn't say anything except hands me a piece of paper with a heck of a lot of writing on it, the only thing that stands out to me is at the top in big bold writing is HAMMOND DETECTIVES

Oh my god, he's gonna help me find my family........ Oh ......... My......... God..............

I cover my mouth in shock as my eyes start to tear up as I read over all the writing

"Thank you"

I manage to say before I give him a huge hug while silent tears were rolling down my face

A few minutes later, after I calmed down a bit we moved onto the real reason why I was here

"So you told me that if we could, we should bring an object that symbolizes our whole life or a very significant part of it, and when you told me I immediately knew what to take with me here, so here it is"

I say as I open the rectangular box to reveal a magnifying glass, commonly used to show that you're looking for something, and I've been looking for something that's been missing for my whole life

Ricky just looks at the box, his eyes tear up but no tear falls


He whispers as he continues to state at the box

"The magnifying glass symbolizes that I've been searching for something and I've been looking for my family my entire life and that I've never...... gave ....... up....... and"

That's all I manage to say before I start crying again, a few moments later he pulls me into another hug as he soothes comforting words into my ear


I just manage to speak out since my voice is all shaky since I've been crying a lot

"Don't be, now, the song you'll be singing on Friday, the perfect song for you is 'Found Me' by the 'Fray'. It's a beautiful song for you to sing and if you sing this song like you have been singing, everyone would have shed a tear, even the millions that ere watching this show at home, do you know all the lyrics?"

He explains then asks

"Yep, every single word"

I reply with a smile, popping the 'p'

I'm wearing aqua skinny jeans, a blue and white striped singlet top and a jean jacket that I had taken off. My hair was out in its usual wild curly hair but swept over my left shoulder exposing my birth mark. As we stand up to to the recording room I stand up so my back is facing Ricky. When I turn around he's in a frozen state with a shocked expression on his face

I'm twins with.... WHO?!?!?!?!Where stories live. Discover now