5) The movies

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Told u guys I'd b updatin sooner!!!!!




"Ok Darcy, Connie's coming in half an hour"

Ricky said to her

(A/N Connie's a girl on Ricky's team)

"Yep, on my way out"

Taylor replied popping the 'p'

"So, what are you guys doing here in Australia?"

Taylor asked everyone

"Us lads were here for a vacation but we've only been here for a few days"

Liam replied

"Well, the movie EPIC is showing at the nearby cinema in an hour and a half and there's a park real close to it, I was planning on doing that today, you guys can join me if you want to--"

"I'LL COME!!!"

I shouted a bit TOO quickly and a bit TOO eagerly, now EVERYONE'S gonna know I like her

"Would you like to join us mum?"

Taylor asked Anne

"No thankyou dear"

She replied with a smile

When we arrived at the car park Liam asked if he could go with her to ask her something. I wanted to go with her but Harry and Niall wanted to ask me something

So Harry, Niall and I are following Taylor when Niall says to me:

"Ssssooooo, does someone have a little crush on a certain curly haired lass hmmmm???"

With a HUGE smirk by the way

"Whaaaa, no! Ok maybe, fine, uh yes, I do like Taylor, she's so bubbly and carefree, she's fun to be around, has a killer if a sense of humor and she sings like an angel"

I smile like a goofball and stare off into space

"Man, he's whipped, and they're not even dating yet"

Niall said to Harry, yeah I did hear them while I was off on la la land but I was too busy daydreaming to care

"That's why I know he'll treat Taylor right"

Harry replied

"Damn right I will"

I reply, STILL smiling like a goofball by the way


Niall whispered causing me to playfully glare at the Irish lad




"Hey Taylor could Zayn and I come with you? We've got a question for you?"

Liam asked

"Yeah sure!"

I reply in my cheerful voice as I get into my car as Liam sits in the passenger seat and Zayn sits in the middle seat in the middle row

"Soooooo, what were you guys gonna ask me?"

I ask as I start driving towards the cinema

"Do you happen to like a certain boy with red pants and a blue and white striped shirt with brown hair and blue eyes who goes by the name of Louis?"

I'm twins with.... WHO?!?!?!?!Where stories live. Discover now