Violet is for Venom and Vengeance

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If one was to look up to the north of the town, and focus they would see a faint silhouette of a long black tower. The Ironwood tower. It was designed specially to prison the darkest creature out there. Ironwood had no windows or doors or stairs. It was more of a really high hollow chamber. The tower's inside were made of a solid metal wall, fifteen inches in thickness. The metal was a mix of titanium and magnesium alloy. Then layered with another thick wall made from steel and iron and other strong substances. The roof was made the same way except the inside of the roof held a thick slab of wood in the center. The only way in the tower was the base of it. While building this tower, the makers left a small piece open for a person to fit through, which was then sealed with molten metal and closed forever. It is said that only five people ever have seen the inside of this tower, the 3 workers who build it and the creature and its Hunter. The Hunter and the builders were the only one who came out of that tower.

They say the creature's heart still beats in the darkness. The Nyx still breathes.... in vengeance

Long dark locks dropped by her face like a curtain. A complex braid hung from her back containing the blades and the hidden poison needles. Her almost black demon like eyes could be seen despite the darkness. 'One more night.... then I shall quench my vengeance' Nyx thought over and over again. One more night and then she will have enough to escape the spear and bleed. Every drop of her blood that fell would create another of her. The only way to kill her was to behead her, which would cause her to bleed. She couldn't be killed. But she could be contained by a glass sphere made from pure light and first fire. She was contained by that sphere, her powers were drained, and heart was slowed down, no movement.

Although she could gain enough strength to move if she had a way to feed of other living souls and fear, which she had been over the last ten years. Soon, very soon she shall bleed....

Nyx's eyes open as she heard the sound of footsteps lightly kicking the stones. She smiled wickedly to herself and let her mind free, let the fears soothe her....

She could finally feel her fingers. She could finally feel her heart pump blood through her, erasing the paleness of her skin, brightening the eyes. She slowly pulled her hand close to her neck; using her sharp nail she created a very small cut, letting a small red drop fall making a slight cling as it hit the cold metal floor. Darkness surrounded the area and within seconds there stood another Nyx.

"At last! I shall be free!" she said looking at the magnificent creature that stood below her. The second Nyx crawled up the sides of the wall using her hands and nails. She crawled at a great speed. As the doppelganger crawled, Nyx dug her nails into the ceiling, gripping on to the cold metal. As the second creature reached near the top, she jumped stretching and grabbed on to the sphere. Her weight and force pulled the blade down. Nyx screamed in pain as the glass moved out. As soon as the sphere was out, the second creature dropped it and the creature got consumed into Nyx causing a bolt of light spread through the hollow tower.

The sphere hit the ground making a thunder boom across the land. Nyx landed next to the sphere that held her for years. As she looked at the spear her hair started to light on a red fire, anger flushed through her and her eyes saw the brutal past.....She could see herself waking up to her love dead beside her, and her child in the hand of a man and then there was the sharp pain through her spreading, freezing her scream for her child and was then was trapped in the tower for a decade, never knowing what happened to her child. She hoped for revenge.

She took the spear in her burning hand and meted it. As the glass meets the pure light escaped burning through the thick metal wall. There was a huge scar in the wall letting streaks of light enter the tower. Nyx walked to the scar, place her hand on the tear and tore the metal in opposite directions, making the metal scream. She looked at bright sky, covered with jet black feathers. With agility Nyx went through the scar in the tower.

She stood face to face with her enemy, the one that took away her family. His eyes filled with terror as he could not believe that Nyx stood before him. He yelled for guards. Soon a crowd of civilians formed an arch behind Hunter, and the guards surrounded Nyx and him. Two guards came forth and armed Hunter with a heavy armor and handed him his swords. He told his wife and kids to stand far. With terror filled eyes, he made strong eye contact with Nyx, who smirked in response.

"You! You took my love's soul, your stole my daughter! You took them away from me on my daughter's anniversary! It was because of you my little angel had to witness her father's death! It is because of you! You stabbed me from the back! You coward, you thought that glass would contain me! You thought that hollow metal tower would hold me for eternity that I would never escape! You fool! You know nothing about me or my abilities! I seek revenge and revenge is what I shall have. Thou name is a disgrace to your family!"

Nyx looked at his family and smiled. Hunter's eyes filled with horror and fear. "Your family won't suffer. They did nothing to me. It was you your deed and you are the one that will pay." Nyx assures him with her anger "Now, if you are worthy of your name, Hunter, face me!" Nyx screamed. Hunter responded, trying to keep his voice bold "If I die you will never be able to find out what happened to your daughter!" He says, taunting, challenging Nyx. "I am no fool! I know she lives. The dark flower on my wrist is alive, so is she!"

Nyx's hair started a violet fire and her eyes deepened as she stepped closer. Her hand pierced thought the ribs and pulled out a beating heart which started to lose it rhythm. "This is for settling my heart!" she said into his ears. "And this is for my daughter!" she said as she crushed it. A women let out a sharp scream on top of her lungs, not for her loss, but for the truth she was shown. The women walked to the lifeless vessel decorated in red, with her face that showed no sorrow.

Nyx tossed a small bag to the women, and made her way........ now she stood by two cold stone gray.

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