Left Alone...

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(This is just a death of some character. This Kinda belongs to a thing I am working on)

My knees dropped. My sword escaped my hands. My heart stops pumping blood. My lungs stop breathing. My mind goes dead. What is this! this isn't reality! No. No. No. It has to be anything but real

That feeling. It felt like my heart had died inside me but I was left with all the pain. She was near death. There she was. There she bleed. There she lay with her eyes barely open. Her hearth hardly working. I could it beating. The rhythm slowing down at every thump. I could feel the pain. The pain that spread faster and harder. And there I stood, not being able to stop this. Not being able to help her.

The sword was pierced through her. It was entered from the back and exiting from the front. Her body was balanced on the sword which stood on the ground on its handle. She arched over the sword in such a way that her head and her feet barely touched the floor. The sword balanced her over the red.

I reach over to her, and gently put her on her side, hoping to ease her pain. I take her hand hoping that she is still there, so I can read her. Read her pain. I close my eyes and drift. "i now felt the sword go through my back and come out the front, then I feel it twist." and now I was back to reality, gasping for air, and grabbing my stomach.

A tear rolls down my cheek, as I hold her hand. I scream, I scream in pain. In pain from my loss. Pain that I couldn't help her. Pain. Pain.

I find the courage in me to look at her. I attempt to say her name, but all that come out is shallow breaths. She slowly tries to open her eyes and fix them on me. Wiping my face, I sit closer to her trying to give her my full attention. Pushing the locks of hair out of her face, I place my hand on her cold cheek.

She was dying, and yet her eyes were full of life. Like always. But then there was something about them, something that was asking for permission to leave. I give her the look, letting her know that she can, but in my mind I am screaming 'No! no! you can't leave me. Please stay. I beg you.' we stay there in silence. I hold her in my eyes and she holds me in her's.

Before I know, her lips breathe my name, and it stops. Just like that the rhythm of her heart stops, her head falls heavier in my lap, and I scream. In seconds, she left me alone. She left me alone to live. Alone to die. I sit there and cry over her. Over what's left of her.

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