❀ What a Shame

323 26 15

If only some of you guys knew what your "favorite, wonderful, sweet, caring, kind" authors are like behind your backs. 

Oh, such a shame. Honestly. You all deserve to know what they are when they're not putting up a face for you guys to see. All you may see is a wonderful person putting much effort and time into writing fan-fictions for you guys to enjoy, but you'll never see what they say or do to others behind your backs. 

Who knows? Maybe they're saying something about you right this moment.

What's ridiculous is that they have the nerve to post rant chapters about "haters" when they're the ones being little puerile imbeciles. All I hear is sympathy and cruel protection, when you readers don't even know they're regarding another "favorite" author of yours.

To the point where you have to make fake accounts to slander someone, you must have lots of time on your hands. Only children with no parental love or supervision do such things over the internet, grow up.

Good thing those "authors" you all love are slowly relinquishing. If what most of you say about Wattpad is true, you should just let those authors go. No need for insolent dimwits like them around to spread negativity and hate around. Go ahead and make your second secret accounts, that's going to definitely help your terrible personalities and what not. :]

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