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An annoying blare runs through my ears as I flutter my eyes open. It's morning. Great. I wish I could sleep for days, but alas, I am not that lucky. I have to get up and face the day when all I want to do is sleep. For forever. Maybe even 5ever. I don't know.

I groan as I roll over to shut off the horrid alarm. Once it's off, I contently sigh. It's Saturday. As in, I have nowhere to be. Nothing to do. I can do whatever I wish, and I wish to dance around in my underwear while eating pizza. Maybe I can invite Paul. I'll obviously have pants on if he's here though. Obviously.

I could send him a text, or I could not. I don't want to seem desperate or clingy since I only just met the guy. God, I wish I had a brother. This would be so much easier.

To: Paul <3 - hey, i have nothing to do today so if you want to come over you should .

I then proceed to give him my address before I get up to take a warm shower. Once I've stripped off my clothes, I step into the warm liquid, allowing it to spray itself onto my nude body. I wash my hair with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, wash myself in coconut-vanilla scented body wash before stepping out into the brisk air. I wrap a dry towel around my wet body and go to my closet to decide on an outfit. Something casual that'll still impress a really handsome guy. Decisions. Decisions.

I decide on a pair of black leggings with three gashes on both legs, a black tee with PIZZA IS MY BAE in white, and black combat boots. I leave my hair in a messy but cute bun before grabbing my phone off of the nightstand and walking downstairs. During my descent, I decide to check if Paul has said anything back yet. He has.

From: Paul<3 - yeah okay im on my way. see you there :)

Hopefully he likes pizza because I am starving. I dial the number to Pizza Hut as I settle into my beige leather couch and decide on what kind. When the employee answers, I tell her my order : two pizzas , one with pepperoni, one by regular. Now, I just need to to wait on Paul and the pizza. What to do until then? I don't know. I'll just dance around like a weirdo. Yeah, I like that idea.

I turn on my 5 Seconds Of Summer Playlist before jumping onto my couch to sing into a remote, pretending I'm on stage. I can sing, but I'm not good at it. Ha. I made a funny. Well, it's funny if you got that. If you didn't get it, it's not that funny. It actually seems completely stupid. Right, okay. The point is, I'm singing into a remote like a microphone pretending to be a singer.

"Hey mom! Hey dad! When did this end? When did you lose your happiness," I sing, okay scream, as I do the whip. What can I say? My whip buddies need me. Even when the song is not right for the whip.

"This is amusing," a voice behind me says. I stand completely still as I remember where that voice is from. Oh god. Please no. I turn slowly around to see Paul standing at the threshold. "You left your door unlocked by the way."

Can somebody say embarrassing?

"I... I, uh, I didn't know you lived so close to me," I stutter as I hop off the couch. "I expected you to be a little longer."

"It's been fifteen minutes," he chuckles. "Am I suppose to live an hour away?"

"No. Time got passed me is all," I defend as I try to figure out how to get over this embarrassment. "Right. Well, I'll be looking out for the pizza guy. Just make yourself at home."

I'm out the door in seconds - maybe even milliseconds. That was so embarrassing! I mean, he probably does it too, but everyone does. However, not everyone gets caught. That's also embarrassing. The fact that I got caught. Wow, I'm never doing that again.

Okay, I'll probably do it next Saturday if I'm not working, but I won't be inviting anyone over. This will just repeat itself.

"So, how about that pizza," Paul asks as the pizza delivery guy pulls up in my drive way. Wow, this is going to be awkward.

"At least we're even when it comes to embarrassing moments," I smirk as I walk towards his - the pizza guy's - truck .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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