Chapter Three

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I froze.

Scarlet nudged her. "Don't say that! I don't even think we are even allowed to talk about."

"So what about Tiffany?" I asked.

"Yeah she's like, full on crazy. She escaped a mental institution. She tried to kill Scarlet, and for all we know she could've gotten me." Ashley said.

"Wow." I said trying to sound interested.

"And I also heard her parents are like ashamed and shocked. Her step-mom said she somewhat new something was fishy with her. I even new something was fishy with her. And so did Scarlet."

I looked over at Scarlet,"Really?"

"So this one time, Scarlet went over to Tiffany's house to apologize over some stupid fight that they had. " She said rolling her eyes. "And like all of a sudden she hears a lady screaming. And she also heard Tiffany's voice talking to the lady." Ashley said.

"Where did this happen?" I asked.

"At Tiffany's house!" She yelled, looking annoyed.

Then the teacher cleared his throat. "Since you guys are talking so much, you must know more than I do. Why don't you come up here an teach the class?"

"Sorry Mr. Romano." Ashley said.

He sighed and went back onto his lecture.

"I swear your like way more blonde than I am."

"But she's not blonde." Scarlet said. "What's your natural hair color?" Scarlet asked me.

"As I was saying.." Ashley continued, ignoring Scarlet. "So like, she was not very popular int this school, she was like a total dork and a loser."

Mr. Romano gave us worksheets to work on, then the bell rung, and we went to our study hall period.

While walking to Ashley's locker, she was still going on about me,

"She was a loner too. At least I'm way prettier than her." Ashley said talking out her compact mirror and slightly fixing her make-up.

"And thing about her," Ashley spoke up. "I always felt this really evil vibe from her. It was terrible. Seems like she's a terrible person inside and out."

"I always feel a slutty vibe from you." I whispered to myself through gritted


"What? I couldn't hear that. You gotta speak up."

"Oh! I said maybe she just needed someone to understand her."

Ashley put up a shocked face, "Understand her? Nobody understood her. Not even her lame friends."

"Maybe if people gave her a chance she wouldn't have been that way."

"Maybe if she didn't go to this school at all we wouldn't have to go through this." Ashley said, staring at herself through her compact mirror. "She was a nobody anyway."

"Maybe she felt insecure about herself, because everyone judges her." I said in a suggestive way, defending myself at the same time.

"Maybe if she wasn't so ugly, nobody would have to judge her." Ashley said, re-applying make-up that was already on her face. Ashley's face looked flawless and a bit powdery, probably because she had WAY too much make-up on her face. She looked like a living Barbie.

She turned around and looked at me."You need to put on some make-up." She said, her face disgusted.

I put my hands in my face. "Does my face really look that bad?" I said in a high-pitched voice.

Ashley nodded fast. "You need to fix those bags."

Scarlet joined with her, facing me, beside Ashley. "You look like you haven't been outside for years."

I looked at my reflection through the mirror. Under my eyes were pink and purple. What Ashley said was true. I looked like I haven't been outside for years, which that was true. Why hadn't I thought of that? Why didn't I think I needed make-up? I forgot about that.

Then Ashley and Scarlet pulled me to the girl's bathroom and did my make-up.

The bell rung and we all went to our next class. My next class was Health, and Scarlet had that class with me. When I took my seat I felt someone staring at me, turning to my right I caught Jordan was staring straight at me. We locked eye contact for about a minute, but it felt longer to me. The bell rang, and our connection faded, I looked away immediately.

Could he be suspecting me? I've been able to pull off being Stephanie for awhile..

School ended and I had no where to go. I couldn't stay at school.


I turned around. And it was Aaron.

"I'm not blonde. Remember?" I pointed at my head.

"Yeah, but you were blonde before."

"You can't tell anyone..."

"Why not? Hate being blonde?"

"Are we even friends?"

"Hey.. I could at least get a thank you. After I picked you up and provided you with shelter and food."

I stayed silent. He was right.

"Where are you coming from?"

"Don't worry about it." I started to walk away but then I hesitated. "..Thank you."

The last thing I need is someone getting too close to me. Or they'll find out. Although, I still have no where to go. Or a destination. I quietly walk out of the school's entrance and into the woods.

Lost&Found:Tiffany ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now