Chapter One

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This book may include harsh language. If you're 13 or older, or mature enough, you'll be able to read this book.


My name is Tiffany. I'm 16, a normal, typical teenager. Except the fact I'm in a mental hospital. I think I'm pretty normal, don't you?

And just because I still stay in an mental institution, doesn't mean I'm entirely crazy. I do get mental break downs and I'll throw random tantrums, and talk to myself in the dark, but that's only because I'm alone and closed up for so long. I still get letters from family-well, only from an a long lost aunt I finally got to know about, her name is Katherine.

The reason why I'm in here is because of some drama that happened last year.

Staying in an mental hospital is different. People are just lost in their own worlds, muttering, yelling, and having full-blown conversations with themselves.

My hair grew longer, it's down to my back now.

The food isn't so bad here. Its better than eating Katrina's terrible food. I also made good friends with the workers here. The one I like the most is Scarlet. She has red-hair, green eyes, and freckles. Also she's pretty, friendly, and she listens when I talk.

While working on a puzzle I've been on for a few months, Scarlet walks in with some water and my daily medication. I smile at her while she sets down the tray on my bedside table.

"How are you doing this morning Tiffany?" She smiled, handing me a plastic cup.

"I'm good." I reply, sipping the water.

She hands me the pills, and I agreeably pop it in my mouth. Gulping it down with water, feeling the pills go down the back of my throat.

Then we both work on the puzzle together, we work on it every time she comes in, and we chat a lot too.

Scarlet picked up the tray, and I handed her the cup. "Scarlet, before you go, can I ask you something?" I said drowsily.

Scarlet, halfway at the door responds, "Sure thing kiddo, spill."

"Whats wrong with me?"

Hesitating, it took her a while to respond. "You asked me this a billion times Tiffany."

"I know, its just that you never told me."

She sighed and said, " wrong with you Tiffany."

"Then why am I in here?"

"Well.. I gotta go Tiff, we'll talk later." Scarlet said and went off.

When its time for bed, I would stare outside of my window, it some what relaxes me. And it's the only thing, in my dark room that light comes out of. It has bars, covering it, preventing me from escaping. But somehow Scarlet manages to open it.

The next day, Scarlet didn't show up to

my room at all. Which got me pretty upset at her for just leaving me all by myself.

When she came the day after, I didn't talk to her at all.

"Tiffany, why won't you talk to me?"

"You left me." I said facing the wall.

"I'm sorry about that, I couldn't come to work."



"First, you mess up my relationships with my friends, you date my crush, and then you kiss my boyfriend! How more can you bring me down!?" I said, turning to Scarlet crying.

Scarlet was quiet, slowly backed away, and left me. I silently cried into my pillow.

All the events that occurred the last year finally came back to me. Anger, depression, and hatred came into me.

Very late at night, I slipped out of my room and into the hallway, with very light steps. Making my way towards a window, I realized that there were bars on these ones as well. Theres no where else I could go, because the bathrooms have bars too. Also, if I go through the door, the alarm will go off. I chuckled to myself, these people are smart. But not smart enough. In the daytime, Scarlet always opens my window everyday because she says I need fresh air. She's not very good at her job, isn't she? I'll just wait till then.

Scarlet came in my room while I was working on my puzzle. She came in with a cup of water and my medication. She set the tray on my bedside table, handed me the cup and the meds. I won't be able to not take them because she watches me closely to see if I actually swallow the pills. If I swallow them, they'll make me drowsy, and I won't have the energy to run out of here.

I popped the pills in my mouth, and moved them to the side of my mouth with my tongue, and bit them, so that I don't swallow it.

I gulped down my water, and handed the plastic cup to Scarlet. She agreeably took it, and put it on the tray, walked over to the window, unhooked a few latches and opened it. She came back to sit on my bed and finish the puzzle.

I anxiously watched the window, wanting to jump out, enjoy the fresh air, and finally being free.

The pills started melting in my mouth, creating a bitter, sour, metallic taste in my mouth. Making me spit it instantly, I picked up the cup and spat in it.

Scarlet looked up at me grabbing and looking inside the cup. "Tiffany..!" She kept on examining the cup, and she finally realized I spit the pills.

"Tiffany, you weren't supposed to-" I pushed her off the bed.

She fell. "Tiffany!" She got up. I punched her in the face, causing her head to go to draw back. She held her nose, blood was dripping out of it.

Before she called for help, I kicked her in the stomach, she grunted and fell to the ground, holding her stomach, and gasping for air. Having time, I ran to the window as fast as I could.

When I reached the window, she called after me.

"You.. don't.. you don't want to do this.. Tiffany.." She said trying to catch her breath, "You'll.. regret it.."

Not listening, I hopped out of the window and ran into freedom.

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