Chapter 2. The Unexpected

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Lucy put her book on the table and flipped to the right page. She leaned over to Levy as she saw a boy and a girl walk in.

"Hey Levy, are those the new students?", Lucy whispered, trying not to let the teacher-Mr. Happy notice. Levy nodded.

"I think so.". The boy looked about Lucy's age, he was tall and muscular. The strange thing is that he had pink hair. The girl looked very different from the boy, she had short white hair, her eyes were light blue, and she seemed very friendly and mature compared to the boy.

"Today we have two new students-a brother and a sister here. Please introduce yourselves.", Mr. Happy gestured for the two to introduce themselves.

"Hello, my name is Lisanna, I'm seventeen and this is my brother-Natsu. We came from Cuier-a faraway city. I like to study and enjoy having friends, so I hope that everyone will accept me.", Lisanna stepped forward and announced, then is directed to a seat besides Mirajane and Elfman.

"Oi, I'm Natsu, as you all know now.", Natsu grinned foolishly, making Lucy face palm and rub her temples, Levy just giggled,"I'm seventeen also, and I like to play with fire. I really hate people who strips!", Natsu pointed at Gray and did a face. Gray looked down and shrieked.

"Whoa! When did I...", everyone laughed, and Gray looked furious as he walked to the front and grabbed Natsu's collar.

"Flame brain, you don't know who you're talkin' to, boy!"

"Oh really, stripper?"

"Shut up, blockhead."

"You don't tell MEH what to do!", they began bickering in front of the class and tried to choke each other to death. And that's when Erza stepped in.

"GO TO YOUR SEATS BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!!", Erza demanded, completely furious.

"A-aye...", the boys clutched each other's hands and stuttered as they stumbled to their seats, which were beside the other.

"Ugh!", Lucy groaned lightly as she thought about the new guy-Natsu,"Why! Why!". Lucy muttered as she thought about what the school will end like in a couple of days, probably in ashes. Levy snickered.

"Come on Lu-chan, be a little more positive.", Levy almost have the power to read Lucy's mind, for she knows what exactly Lucy's thinking.

"Ahem. So today we will be learning the science about FISH! Prepare to take notes for there will be a test.", Mr. Happy cleared his throat before announcing. And everyone groaned, this teacher is kind of stupid, he only teaches us about fish and the things he teach us are at the level of an elementary school. And he HAD to be our home room teacher.

"First of all, there are bazillions bazillions types of fish, to my knowledge not all are tasty, so please don't eat just any fish you see. There's one type of fish that you should avoid eating, it's called the Bapdumdum. It's poisonous and can poison you to death, even if it may look like cotton candy and may smell like chocolate ice cream.", Mr. Happy pointed to a fresh example of the supposed "Bapdumdum". It looked really disgusting, the "looking like cotton candy" or the "smelling like chocolate ice cream" did not match any of the details on the real thing. Instead, it looked like balls of poop, and reeked of garbage. Lucy, who had to suffer sitting in the front row right next to Mr. Happy's desk, almost fainted as she smelled the obnoxious smelling and looking fish...WAIT! Is it even fish? It doesn't even look like one!

"God it reeks!", Levy was pinching her nose and still seemed to smell it. Lucy grabbed on to Levy and hid her face behind Levy's back, wanting to rid of the smell. Mr. Happy seemed to adore the smell, and yes, he seemed to adore it.

Everyone was pinching their noses and doubling over, making a bunch of weird noises when their savior-the bell, rang!

"Thank god it rang! I almost fainted there!", Lucy exclaimed, but yelped in surprise as she felt a hand on her back, it was Erza.

" I...hang out with you...?", Erza stuttered and blushed, her whole face seemed like it was burned.

"Why of course!", Levy smiled and welcomed Erza to hang out with them. Erza nodded her head like a block and began to walk with the two girls outside to enjoy their short break.

"Oi! Erza!", Lucy heard a voice directed to Erza, and turned around. Only to find herself facing a guy she's never seen before. The guy held roses and Lucy supposed that they were for Erza.


Who is the mysterious guy? Well you should know by now.

Luv, Mariya:)




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