Chapter 1

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Mack's POV

*beep beep beep*

"Ugh..." Why can't my alarm clock have a vibration setting? After turning off my alarm, I look over to my Marianas Trench calendar and realize what day it is. " It's adoption day! Get up Kam get up! It's adoption day!" I screamed into her ear. " What the hell is wrong with you! Go away." Kam hissed back. Kamri's my roommate and best friend here at the orphanage. She's really nice once you get to know her. "Come on Kam! Don't you want to leave this dump?" I questioned. "Well of course I do, but I just don't see why we have to get up so early." she replied with a sorry look on her face. "It's okay. But come on let's go get ready. They'll be here soon!" "At 6:00 am?!" "What?! It's not 6:00 am! It's 1:00 in the afternoon!" I yelled at her dragging her into the bathroom. Kam and I had made a deal that since Kam is older than me by 1 year that I am not allowed to use the bathroom before her. Also because she's girlier than me she takes longer.

After an hour of waiting, she finally comes out so I go in. About half an hour later I come out in a camouflage pull-on, black leggings and red converse with a matching red beanie. We walk out together and go to where the other people in our age group are waiting. Finally, I am called into the room. Here goes nothing...

I walk into the room with my head down. You see, I'm a very energetic and crazy person once you get to know me. Otherwise I'm very shy and don't talk a lot. At the table I see 6 guys who look oddly familiar. I sit down in my chair across from them still with my head down. " Hi there." One guy with a beanie on said. "Hi." I replied quietly. "So, I'm Kian, this is Jc, Connor, Ricky, Sam and Trevor." said a tall guy with blonde hair. He was kinda cute but after looking at him a couple more times I got over it. "What's your name?" asked Ricky. "Mackenzie, but you can call me Mack." I said still looking down. "You know, we're not Medusa, you can look at us." said Connor. The boys all started laughing and I tried my best not to laugh because I don't want to end up letting them in to my life, but I can't help it and end up cracking a smile. "She lives!" yelled Trevor. He looks familiar so I look at him more closely and realize that he's Trevor Moran! Silently I start fangirling but fail because I realize that the boys were looking at me, and then I realize that I was staring at Trevor. "Um, sorry." I say looking back down at the ground embarrassed. "No! It's okay. Really." Said Trevor smiling. I feel myself blush then I realize who the other guys are. "Wait! You guys are O2L!!!" I scream. They all start laughing. Then they start asking me questions.


B-What's your favourite colour?


B-What's your favourite animal?


B-What's your favourite food?


B-What are your favourite hobbies?

M-Skateboarding, singing, pranking, drawing and scaring people.

"Huh. Okay." said a smiling Connor. "Anything else you want to know about me?" I asked. "No I think we know everything we need to. But could you send that lady, uhh --" " Ms. Grew?" "Yea her. Could you send her in please? Thanks!" Said Kian. "Bye." I said over my shoulder to them.

"Hey, Um, those guys wanted to talk to you." I say quietly. "Whatever. Move out of my way you little brat! Go to your room!" She hissed. I slowly walked up to my room and lied there on my bed.

About 10 minutes later, all 6 of those guys walked into my room and scared the shit out of me.

"Hey--" one of them started, but I cut them off by screaming. "HOLY SHIT!!! What...?" I said calming down realizing it was just them. "God! Blow out my eardrum while you're at it why don't ya!?" Kian yelled. "What? You scared me. By the way, KNOCK NEXT TIME!!!" "Whatever. Just hurry up and pack your things cause we're adopting you!" Ricky yelled. "Oh my god really?!?!" "Yes now hurry we're leaving soon!" Trevor yelled as he left the room. I guess one of them is my new parent!

Hey guys! It's me here! And I just want to say that if you are reading this right now, thank you so much! It means a lot to me! So anyways, this is my first fanfic so please bare with me. Please? I promise that the next chapter will be longer and better! Okay? Okay. (See that little moment we just had there?) Anyways thanks again. Oh btw I know what it's like to wait months to have a book updated so I will try my absolute best to update regularly. So I'll see you guys next time! Bye!

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