Chapter 4

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Ricky's POV

I drove to the hospital as fast as I could without going over the limit. When I parked, Kian grabbed Mack and we ran into the hospital and to the front desk. "Hi, we need a room for her. She cut her foot on some glass." I said to the lady. She nodded and started typing away. She sent us to the waiting room, and soon, well quicker than I thought it would take, a nurse came out and called for us.

We walked into the hospital room and placed Mack onto the bed while we all stayed standing waiting for the doctor. "Hello, you all must be here for Mackenzie?" the doctor asked, scaring us by walking in. "Um, yes. She had cut her foot on some glass and we can't get it out." I replied. "Very well then, I am just going to give you a needle, okay Mackenzie?" the doctor said while Mack nodded her head slowly. He then injected the needle into her arm and she had squeezed her eyes shut while Connor held her other hand. "All done Mackenzie." he said while the doctor wrapped up the area. She then started to act all sleepy and I didn't know what was going on until the doctor said, "It''s just something that puts her to sleep so that she won't feel as much pain as I take it out." We all nodded at him. He then took some tools out to take the pieces of glass out. After he got out every single piece, he put some fluid on the wound to help clean it out. When he was done, he wrapped it up with gauze and then injected yet another needle into her foot. He said it was so that she doesn't get Tetnis. He then left saying that we had to wait for her to wake up before we could take her home.

Mack's POV

When we finally got back home, the house was all cleaned up. The guys, Andrea and Jenn were all sitting in the living room talking. When they saw me and Ricky walk in they stopped talking. I stood there awkwardly while they all looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Kian asked.

"Oh yea I'm fine." I said warily. I wasn't quite sure myself, so what should I say?

"Well that's good. Sorry for it getting so hectic last night." Jc started. He had a smile of pity on his face and I already knew this was turning into trouble.

"Oh no. It's fine really. I just hung out in my room most of the time." I cut him off. I really didn't want any pity from him or from anyone.

"Oh ok. Well if you need anything just--" he started again.

"No. I-I don't need anything. I'm fine." I cut him off once more. I couldn't handle it anymore. I'm perfectly fine on my own. I think... Yea... Yea, I'm fine on my own. I turned around and tried my best to run up the stairs but with my foot I had some difficulty which was embarrassing. But I eventually made it up.

I had stayed in my room for the rest of the day with some annoying interruptions from the boys. But I eventually fell asleep for the night.


When I woke up, I walked downstairs to see that Jenn and Andrea had left but the 3 boys were still here. I wonder how long their staying...

I walked into the kitchen to get some food when I heard some one walk in. I turned around to see that Nash guy in front of me.

"Um.. Hi." I said as I walked around him.

"Hey." He said. "Mackenzie, right?" He asked.

"Uh, yea." I said, still not looking at him. He didn't say anything after that. He was just, standing there... As I wondered what he was thinking I started to panic thinking I said the wrong thing. As I was panicking, I accidentally dropped the cereal spilling it on the floor. I sighed as I bent down and started to pick it up.

Nash walked over and started to help me. Now that I think about it, his name sounded really familiar... Maybe I know him from somewhere?

After we finished cleaning up, I looked up at him to thank him. When I saw him I knew that I've met him before. I just can't place it...

"Um, thanks." I said warily as I was still thinking.

"Yea. No problem.." He trailed off.

"I-is something wrong?" I stuttered. Oh no. Did I do something wrong?!

"Oh, no. It's just, have we met before?" He asked me.

Oh no. We must have met before... "Um... I-I don't think so. Maybe though..." I said slowly, worrying that I would say the wrong thing.

"So you were in an orphanage right? Where are you originally from?" He asked me.

I wonder why he's asking? Wait I know his face. Oh my god. Nash...? "Um, look I really have to get going... Uh I'll see you around I guess?" I stammered quickly as I turned and ran out of the kitchen. I had to get out of there. I heard one of the boys call after me as I raced up the stairs to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it trying my best to get away from reality, only to have it swing right back to slap me in the face.



I remember him.

Then it hit me.

My brother is downstairs.


Hey sorry for the long wait. I had some trouble writing this. Is this moving too fast? This is my first story and I do t really know. If anyone's reading this can you tell me your thoughts? It would mean the world. Anyways, I'll be back soon with another update. Bye!!


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