Chapter 3 - Jealousy

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I'm soo sorry i didn't write the battle part,i'm bad with those T-T i hope you guys forgive me..


( still Yana's POV )

The battle went on for a while,and i got scratches all over my body.Baiyu did that.I had a deep wound in my right arm so it was harder to wield Sekki.He sent a bullet towards Yato,my eyes widened,and i jumped in front of him in time to save him.


He said,his eyes widened as i fell on the floor.My vision was beginning to get blurry,and i managed to whisper Yukine's name before i completely lost consciousness.



I carried Yana to Kofuku and Daikoku's place and they healed her.The bullet is out of her flesh, altough it only scrached her a bit.Baiyu ran away after he shot Yana,probablly not wanting to kill her there, because Yukine made a barrier,so he couldn't reach her anyway... And i let Nee chan suffer this... because she saved me...stupid...i'm so stupid! Now that little punk and i were sitting in front of Yana's door to her room which Kofuku gave her to stay in. He fell asleep,tho.I guess it was a big day for him, too.We waited for her,and i was worried...will she be alright..


A weak voice was heard from the room.I quickly entered,barging in and saw Yana sitting on her bed, holding something.I came closer to her,sitting next to her.She lifted her head up and our eyes met.

-i'm so,so sorry,onii chan...i guess i still am a little kid...

-don't be sorry.I'm the one who should apologise.I acted too harsh towards you...forgive me,please forgive me...Because i wasn't careful,and i was such an idiot,even you got hurt...

I said,looking down.Then two warm hands enveloped me in a hug.It was Yana hugging me.I hugged her back,tears showing up in my eyes.I felt that my shoulder was wet because she was also crying.

-i almost lost you...Yana...sorry...

-idiot...Don't apologise.

She said and i smiled weakly.I am never letting her get hurt again.I will get myself a weapon,and i'll protect her!

-oh,and i forgot to tell you,Kofuku asked me to practice on you my acting,for some stupid drama show she is going to record or something...buut,she is offering me endless five yen coins for it so we can finally buy a shrine *-*

She said all of a sudden,all better now..?

-*O* i'm fine with that!

I said back excited,ignoring that fact.It's just important that she is happy.And that i'll get my endless five yen coins. *-*

-b-but...i'll have to call you 'sama' in the script.A-and k-kinda confess to you...

My eyes widened.My sister? My own sister?? No this is not right...but if it's for the endless five yen coins (*O*) ,i'll do it! It IS just acting,right?

-okay! Yeah,it's acting,anyways...

-okay,so now we...

She started explaining the script and all,and i just listened.



I woke up,rubbing my eyes,and i saw that Yana's brother wasn't there,next to me.I got up,peeking inside the room.My heart almost broke apart when i saw her hugging him...But...they are siblings, right?So there is no way they would be...yeah,it's just a siblings hug, probablly.Buy why do i still feel kinda weird...jealous?

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