Chapter Four

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Chapter Four
Soon enough, it was obvious I was pregnant, and the stream of unwanted advice began. From cashiers at the grocery store telling me I shouldn't have any coffee, not even considering that perhaps the coffee was for my baby's father, to women stating that I needed to watch my diet when I enjoyed my one weekly can of tuna or ice cream cone. The worst thing was the amount of people who thought it was fine to touch my belly without asking.
Coming home to find Carlos sitting at the table, I tossed down the groceries. "Please buy your own coffee from now on, because if you don't I'm going to punch a cashier."
"Ivan's painting the nursery right now, and I've been banished for my lack of artistic details. Dinner is in the oven." He replied, ignoring my complaint.
I poured a cup of apple juice and sucked it down. "Physically, I'm not finding pregnancy so bad. However, mentally, There are a lot more people I want to punch."
My cell phone rang, and I went over and swooped it up, answering the call without bothering to check the ID. "Hello?"
"Hey Madeline."
I froze, and Carlos looked at me. I took a deep breath before responding. "Hello, Gilbert."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm fine. A little busy right now, though."
"Oh. Call me back sometime?"
"Sure. Bye."
Ending the call, I walked past Carlos, up to the room I was sleeping in. Carlos had taken the den and turned it into my bedroom, and now I stormed in, slamming the door shut as I felt tears forming in my eyes.
I crawled into my bed, pulling a pillow up to my chest and sobbing. Why was this bothering me now? He hadn't even said anything upsetting. He might have just wanted to check up on me. I had told him that we could be friends again after a few months.
I heard Ivan go downstairs, and then a car leaving. He was done for the night, heading home to Alfred. I tried not to cry more. He had Alfred to cuddle up to. Carlos and I were only in this house together because of our shared loved for our unborn child.
Carlos opened up the door. "Hey, the chicken is done."
"It's okay. I'm not very hungry."
Carlos came over, sitting down and setting a hand on my shoulder. "Did he say anything to make you upset?"
"Did you tell him never to call you again when you broke up?"
"No! I just..." More tears came to my eyes, and I pulled the pillow to my face, sobbing.
Carlos sighed. "You still miss him?"
"I'm sorry, Carlos." I managed to get out. "I didn't think I was missing him until..." I buried my face back into my pillow, crying. He laid a hand on my back, rubbing small circles as though trying to soothe a child. I suddenly wished he would wrap his arms around me, and hold me close, as he had when I first told him I was pregnant. I rolled over and pulled him into a hug. He carefully crawled into the bed with me, being a perfect gentleman as he tried to stop my tears.
"I love you, Carlos." I choked out past the tears. "I love you so much."
He blinked in surprise for a moment, and then carefully tilted my head up, his eyes asking a simple question.
I brought my lips crashing down onto his, and he responded, wrapping his arms around me in the embrace of a lover. My arms wrapped around him, my dearest Cuban knight.
As my crying ceased, I began to be aware of other feelings bubbling to the surface. The kisses grew deeper, and I was enjoying it.
Suddenly Carlos pulled away, dashing out of the room. I was left there, startled and suddenly alone, or alone as I could be. I set a hand on my stomach, and felt the baby move.
"What's your father up to, little one?" I asked in silence.

I splashed my face with water, desperately trying to remove the thoughts from my head. I prayed Maddie didn't follow me. The tent in my pants made it pretty clear what I'd been thinking.
Damn it, Carlos, she's upset and you start thinking about sex. Good thing neither of us was drunk this time. It could have been bad.
I stood straight up. "Don't come in!" I yelped, reaching for anything to hide my erection.
She opened the door anyhow, and I quickly turned around, trying to hide my body from her. "Please, Maddie, get out."
"I'm not angry, Carlos."
I felt my temper suddenly rise. "Out!"
She backed up and left, leaving me panting in both anger and adrenaline.

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