Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
As Christmas approached, the nursery was almost finished. Even though I "had no artistic abilities", Ivan was asking for my help in finishing the room.
With the walls and ceiling painted, we were now interior decorators, keeping Madeline out so she couldn't see what we were doing. Arthur and Francis were excellent at helping us achieve this goal, as was Sofia, keeping Madeline out of the house until our work was done. We were cutting it close. On Christmas Eve, we were exactly a month away from her due date.
Finally, Ivan stood, nodding. "Alright. It's done."
We looked around at the room, just finishing on December 23rd. I smiled. "She's going to love this."
The baby shower being held earlier this month, we had put the crib in the corner, prepared for the baby once they were big enough. For now, the bassinet was in place. A rocking chair, courtesy of Arthur. Dresser for clothes courtesy of Sofia, and playpen, courtesy of Alfred. There were other things as well, equally important, but for the moment, I was happy.
We shut the door, and taped the sign to it. Do not open until December 25th
It was going to be an amazing Christmas.

The entire family was crowded in my living room, Alfred and Ivan, Arthur and Francis. It seemed like hundreds of boxes littered the floor, waiting to be opened.
After crepes, berries, bacon, and a quick Christmas chocolate, we all began to open present excitedly.
But we were all waiting for the biggest present.
Finally, Maddie looked at me and shook her head slightly in laughter. "So, can I open it now?"
We all went upstairs, and she laughed. "I can open a door on my own, papa." She said when Francis went to open the door. Carefully, she did, and stepped inside.
She gasped in delight. The room was painted like a forest scene, with animals of every kind on a light blue background. The bassinet and crib sheets were both pale green, with a dark green blanket laying over the crib. She looked up and saw a carefully painted ceiling, showing clouds.
"It's beautiful."
Everyone broke into laughter and we all hugged her.

Later in the evening, once everyone had left, I sighed in relief. "The baby was done with everyone talking. Kept spinning around and around and kicking..."
Carlos smiled, handing me a cup of cocoa. "There's one last surprise upstairs."
I sighed, but followed him. I was tired, but today had been a good day.
We went into the nursery, and he walked over to the closet, where I had earlier discovered diapers, wipes, and other baby necessities. He pulled out a small box and handed it to me. "Merry Christmas, Maddie."
I opened it slowly and then saw a tiny wooden platform with a music box attached.
I pulled it out and found a handmade baby mobile. It didn't spin, but it was beautiful, with tiny carved animals hanging from fishline. I twisted the music box and heard the same lullaby that had played in my mobile as a child.
I carefully examined each piece and then looked around, trying to decide where to hang it. Carlos waited for me to chose a spot and then smiled. He set it back into the box. "I'll hang it up for you tomorrow."
Once it was safe and sound, I pulled him into a hug, and kissed him. When I pulled away, I spoke. "I love you, Carlos."
He smiled, brushing a stray curl out of my face. "I love you too, Madeline."
Somehow, we made it to his room, and that night, we worshipped every inch of each other's bodies.
We finally fell asleep, his arms around me in a gentle hug.

The twenty seventh of December was a Saturday, so I had taken Friday off, and now Maddie and I sat together on the couch, watching Saturday morning cartoons.
"Christmas has come and gone, Boxing Day is over. Now we just have to wait for New Year's." Maddie stated, cuddling up even closer to me. I wrapped an arm around her, and kissed her forehead.
"After that, only a few days until we meet Juan or Alejandra." I replied, and everything seemed perfect.
That was when the doorbell rang.
I groaned, getting up and sighing. "I'll get it."
"Okay." Maddie replied, laying down and stretching out.
I walked away, glancing back quickly to see her watching the tv, and I felt like the luckiest man on earth. To have met her in school, be her friend for life, and now to be the father of her child,
I opened the door and saw a face I liked even less than a pissed off Alfred. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I hissed.
"I think I should be asking you why Maddie is living with you." Gilbert hissed right back at me.
At that point, Maddie came around the corner. "Carlos, who is it...? Gilbert?"
Gilbert started to smile, but it quickly disappeared when he saw the obvious belly. "What the..."
Before he could say anything else, I stepped between them. "Get out of my house, Beilschmidt, and don't come here ever again."
Maddie set a hand on my arm. "It's okay, Carlos. He won't hurt me."
I said nothing, but finally let Gilbert inside.

We sat at the kitchen table, all staring at each other. Gilbert and I had locked eyes, and Maddie seemed confused and startled by how quickly the situation was spinning out of control.
"Can I get you some tea, Gilbert? It is rather cold outside." She finally said.
He shook his head and the glaring returned.
She sat down next to me, and set a hand on my arm again. Gilbert noticed the action and finally spoke. "So, how long have you two been together?"
"Officially or physically?" I responded, ice in my voice.
"Since September." Maddie replied, using the night we had argued and then began to sleep together in the same bed.
Gilbert looked at Maddie now. "And the baby..."
"Right after the breakup, we got drunk and had a one night stand. That's when I got pregnant."
He nodded and I tried to ignore the urge to punch him. He broke her heart, she came crying to me, and now when she had finally moved on, he returned to hurt her even more.
He nodded, looking at me again with interest. "So, you're going to stick around and be this baby's father?"
"Yes." I snarled. "Unlike my father, I don't believe in abandoning children."
"Carlos..." Maddie began, but Gilbert shook his head.
"I'm sorry for implying you wouldn't be able to care for a child. Well, it was good to see you again, Maddie." He stated, standing up and pushing his chair in. "I'll be leaving."
Maddie seemed uncertain on what to do, and eventually she followed him down the hall. "Gilbert, wait!"
The silence seemed to last forever.

"Gilbert, wait!"
He stopped and looked at me when I came down the hall, panting a little from the fast movement. "Why did you come?"
He was quiet for a moment. "I don't really know myself. To apologize, I think." Rubbing at the back of his head, he spoke. "What you said about me never getting over her... It was right, and I'm sorry that I basically led you on for two years. It wasn't right of me, and I feel like a giant doucheasaurus rex for doing it. And when Sofia told me you'd moved in with Carlos, I admit I got a lot more upset than I should have. Hell, I'm not over you yet. But I don't mean to complicate things between you and him."
I didn't respond for a moment, and then spoke. "I'm not sure that I'm quite over you yet either, Gilbert, but my heart has someone else it wants to care about now. And my heart might find a place for you again, but it won't be the same. It's not willing to risk being broken by the same person."
He chuckled a little. "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. You know, I'm glad you guys are together. If he stuck by your side this long, he isn't going to let the best thing in his life slip away."
He turned to leave once again, and I said one last thing.
"When your life settles down... Call me again, and let's try to be friends."
He nodded, and blew me a kiss. "Alright, Birdie. Until then, go make yourself happy."
And with that, he left, and I took a deep breath before returning to the kitchen.

She came back to me, and sat down next to me.
"I told him that now is not a good time, but if he's willing to realize I'm never coming back to him, maybe we can be friends again."
I took her hand, squeezing it. She reached up and kissed me on the forehead. "I was afraid you were going to leave." I heard myself whisper.
She shook her head, and guided my hand to her belly. "Not while this little one's still kicking."
At that moment, she did kick, almost right where my hand was, and I leaned close. "Hey, kiddo, stop being so mean to your mom." Maddie smiled, and then I stood up, kissing her again. "Come on, let's go back to cartoons."

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