Somebody to You

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Alfred loves Arthur since the first time he saw him. But he had enough, he wanted to confess his love to Arthur already, but he didn't know how.

He sighed as he ended the love-letter he is doing. He shook his head and crumpled it into a ball and stood up. He walked and passed a trashcan, he threw the paper in it and walked away. Little did he knew, the paper didn't shoot in the trashcan.


Gilbert and Francis ran and passed a crumpled paper to each other as Antonio tried to catch it.

"Oi, give it back to me, por favor!" Antonio said.

"Kesese~! No vay, Toni! Not until ve read vhat you had vritten for jour little tomato!" Gilbert said as he tried to open the crumpled paper, but Antonio hit it and out of Gilbert's grasp to the trashcan.

"Ohonhonhon~! What was written on it zhat you didn't want us to read, Toni~?" Francis cooed.

"It's none of your business, amigos!" Antonio said as he picked up a crumpled paper. He opened it and gasped.

"Toni? Vhat vas zhat?" Gilbert said as he and Francis looked at Antonio's shoulders.

"It's not yours, is it?" Francis whispered, particularly to Antonio.

"N-No, it's not even mi h-handwriting.." Antonio said, still staring at the paper.

"Kesesese~! Let's give zhis letter to him!" Gilbert said as he snatched it away from Antonio and proceeded to run to the Student Council's Office.

"Oi! Gil, wait for us!" Francis said as he and Antonio followed him.


Arthur is busy working in his office when Gilbert, Francis and Antonio barged in his room.

Startled, he said, "What in the bloody hell are you doing in here?!"

"Ohonhonhon~! Sorry to interrupt you, Arthur. We just want to give somezhing to you~!" Francis said as Gilbert handed Arthur a folded piece of paper.

"Fusososo~! We'll be going now, Arthur~!" Antonio said as he pulled his friends out of the room.

"Oi, you gits! Wait-! Ugh.." Arthur stared at the paper in his hand. He sighed.

It wouldn't hurt if I read this before the papers.. He thought as he unfolded the paper. He gasped at the content.



"Dear Arthur,

Uhm.. I don't know how to begin this but.. I just wanted you to know my feelings from the first time I saw you in this school..

My heart beats wildly and my face is heating up when I just see or think of you.. I don't know this feelings at first but.. Now I know...

Arthur, I love you from the first time we met. That captivating emerald orbs of yours, bushy eyebrows that fit your face perfectly, plump and pinkish lips.. Overall, you are gorgeous. That's one of the reasons why I fell in love for you..

But the main reason is, ALL of you. I love the way you're being a tsundere (I think that was the thing Kiku said about you..), that British accent of yours, everything! I love everything about you!

I'm planning to confess to you personally, but I'm too shy to do it. I even stutter when I'm with you.

It's okay if you don't return this feelings, as long as we get to be just friends, it's okay. But even so, I will still love you, Arthur. Because no one can replace you from my heart. NO ONE.

I love you, Arthur. With all my heart.




As Alfred was walking in the hallway, Gilbert, Francis and Antonio, the so-called Bad Touch Trio or simply BTT, stopped him.

"Eh? What do you want, dudes?" Alfred asked curiously.

Gilbert smirked as well as the two boys. Alfred's heart might have stopped at this smirk. Gilbert and Francis grabbed Alfred's arms as Antonio pushed the American while the two boys dragged him to somewhere.

They reached the rooftop, and they let go of Alfred. They ran away to quickly just when Alfred was about to kick their asses. Alfred just sighed and closed the door. He turned around to be met by him. His heart beat wildly as he stared at the man in front of him.

"I guess you're here now, Alfred?" the Brit asked as he turned around to ssee Alfred standing in there, frozen. He rolled his eyes and gestured for the boy to come towards him, which Alfred did.

"S-So.. Uhm.. A-Arthur, wh-why are you here at the rooftop?" Alfred stuttered.

"I want to talk to you," Arthur said, his cheeks burning.

Wait, did I just..? My eyes are just playing with me, right? He is not blushing, right? Right? Alfred thought as he himself blushed.

"Wh-What do you want to talk a-about?" Alfred said, not looking to Arthur.

Arthur looked at him, "About us."

Alfred's eyes widened and turned his head to Arthur, only to be met by a soft, plump lips kissing his. Arthur is kissing Alfred.. Arthur is kissing Alfred!

Alfred's inside were jumping with joy, that as if it is going to explode. Arthur broke the kiss and glared at him.

"What took you so long, git?"

Alfred blinked, "What?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed, "I already knew what you feel about me.. But what took you so long?"

Alfed gulped, "I.. I'm too shy and afraid of being rejected.. Although if you didn't retu--"

Alfred was cut off by Arthur.

"I love you too, Alfred! Don't you know?" Arthur said, his face reddening.

Alfred blinked a few times.

"A-Are you su--" Alfred was cut off by Arthur again.

"Yes! I am really su--" this time, Alfred cut Arthur off as he kissed him passionately, which Arthur gladly kissed back. Alfred broke the kiss and hugged him.

"I WANTED TO BE SOMEBODY TO YOU, ARTHUR!" Alfred yelled and laughed.

Arthur blushed, but he laughed with him anyways.

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