The Agreement

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I was ten when my parents died in the fire. It spread through the house engulfing everything. I was in my room as the flames blocked of the off the rest of the house. I smashed my window with a lamp and jumped out. I stayed there on the footpath watching as my home and family burnt, but no one came to help. I wandered the streets for hours until they found me. I was wet and cold from the rain that had poured down and drenched me after my house had crumbled, as if the universe was playing some kind of cruel trick on me. When they found me they took me too the academy and when they found out that I was a Wicca, they trained me harder than any other slayer.

I look at myself in the mirror, at the girl standing before me. She looks different somehow. I'm wearing the tight leather clothes Jessie gave me, there's a pair of tight, black leather pants tide together on the side with leather straps and a black leather corset with buckles around my waist and chest over the top of a zipper. On my feet are knee length, black leather combat boots with 5-inch heels.They look exactly like what I used to wear as a slayer except that these clothes will protect me from the sun, making it easier for me to act normal. To protect the rest of my skin, I maintain a sun shield around me. My hair is a darker black than before and woven through it is a single scarlet red stripe. My shoulder and cuts are fully healed and thankfully I'm still my tanned colour, so I won't need to hide that as well when I go back. I close my eyes and let out an unnecessary breathe, before I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I lean my head back and look up at Jessie. For a second I feel revulsion but it's gone in an instant and I turn and put my lips against his. A little voice in my head screaming at me to snap out of it.

"You ready?" He asks quietly against my lips.

I smile slightly and give a slight nod. "Yeah. Let's do this."

"Just be careful. If they find out they'll kill you."

He leans forward and kisses down the side of my neck to my shoulder. My eyes flutter as electric sparks roll down my spine. Then something wakes up inside me and my eyes snap open. It's Jessie! A voice inside me screams. I shift my gaze to his eyes and he goes flying backwards against the wall and stays pinned there, legs of the ground. I stare at him with a cold look of hatred and walk over to him. I shake my head disgusted with myself.

"I can't believe it," I say more to myself than Jessie. "I can't believe, that I kissed you. A soulless monster, who can't feel love."

"I glad you think so highly of me." He replies, his eyes filled with confidence. "Since your the same as me now and eventually I'll be the only person your kissing."

Realisation hits me like a smack in the face and I grasp the full concept of what I am. And in that second my grasp on Jessie wavers and he breaks free. My head snaps up fast, but not fast enough. Jessie already has his arms around me.

"Tell me Raven," He whispers in my ear as I struggle to get him off me. "Where will you go if you leave me? Cause you can't go back to the academy for long, sooner or later they'll find out and then they'll kill you. You have no family to go to, and your little friend Eric won't want you anymore either because of what you are."I look down at the floor as I follow what he says. "I'm the only person that you can be yourself around, I'm the only person who will accept you."

I bite my lip and clench my eyes closed. He's right. Another little voice inside me whispers, but I don't want to tell him that. He's not that bad. Another tiny voice tells me. I twist around and look at his face. His perfect, flawless face. I could learn to love him. Besides what are my other options. I stop struggling against him, and, feeling my muscles relax, he slowly releases me.

"I," I speak slowly thinking each word through before I say it, not wanting to slip up and promise the wrong thing. "I will stay with you and do what you want, if and only if you will do no any harm to Eric, and then I will be yours and do whatever you want." I hesitate for a second before saying. "I promise, and a Wicca can't break their promise."

Jessie's eyes flash and he looks impassive. 

"Ok." He says simply. 

I step back from him, "Ok," I respond nodding my head slightly. "I'm going to go?" I say making it sound like a question.

"Yes." He snaps out of his daze. "Go, find out their plans." He stress the last few words.

He steps forward and braves a kiss on my cheek. I tense under the contact as shivers roll over me again. I silently chide myself for wanting him before he whispers in my ear. 

"Be careful."

And with that he turns around and flees the room, leaving me to make my way to the academy.

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