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It's been exactly ten years since Tobias and I got married. Ten years, four kids and many hours of love and joy and happiness. Mom and dad offered to take the kids to stay with them during our anniversary weekend and Evelyn promised to do something fun with them too. Tobias rented the cabin we spend our honeymoon and promised we would recreate every moment.

I couldn't be happier. I have the most loving husband, the four most wonderful (and especially Dauntless) children and all in all a big happy family.

Yes, we have our ups and downs, like any couple and any family, but we stick together because we love each other very much. Sometimes Tobias and I would disagree and even yell at each other, but we never once stayed mad at the other for long and we always try to keep our fights away from the children.

One time, just after our oldest turned four and was old enough to understand certain things, Tobias and I got into a fight. I don't even remember what it was about. Andy stood on top of the stairs and looked down on us. We didn't even notice him until he started crying uncontrollably. The moment we noticed him we glanced at each other and we both felt sorry and stupid for even starting a fight. We both ran up and I scooped my little man into my arms and held him close to me. We sat down on the stairs and I rocked him back and forth apologizing to him. After he started to calm down he asked us not to get a divorce. Tobias and I were both so shocked that we didn't think we heard our little boy right.

"Why do you think mommy and daddy will get a divorce?" Tobias asked him.

"Zack's mom and dad fight all the time and now they get a divorce. I don't want you to get a divorce," he said sobbing and it broke my heart.

"Honey, just because mommy and daddy fight from time to time doesn't mean we are getting a divorce," I tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen. Tobias took him into his arms and made him look at him.

"Sometimes mommy and daddy have different opinions and sometimes we are a little loud, but I promise you buddy, I love your mom very, very much. She is my soul mate," Tobias said. "Do you know what that means?" he asked our son and Andy shook his head. "It means there is no other woman in the world I will ever love the way I love your mommy. And she gave me you and your sister and soon two other babies. I love all of you so much. I promise you mom and I will never divorce," he vowed and looked at me. I smiled and tears ran down my cheek. Andy hugged his father and I leaned on my husband's shoulder. Tobias held us both close and kissed Andy then me on the forehead. The same night Tobias and I promised each other to fight less and not so loud and especially not in front of the kids. A promise that we thankfully managed to keep. Well, we keep it most of the time.

We soon arrive at the cabin and I'm surprised to find it as mesmerizing today as it was ten years ago. We unload the car and enter the familiar space, making ourselves at home. We had an early supper in the cafeteria before we left and neither of us is hungry. At least not for food.

"Do you remember the first time we came here?" he asks me while tracing patterns on my exposed abdomen.

"Of course I do," I say and smile at him. We are lying in bed and for the past five minutes we're just looking at each other, still in our own little love bubble after the exquisite lovemaking.

"Back then we tried for a baby," he says and looks me straight into the eyes.

"Oh, no. Tobias Eaton, no," I say and sit up.

"What? I haven't said anything," he defends.

"Yeah, you did. Honey, we have four kids. I think that's enough," I say.

"Oh, come on. We always talked about a big family," he says and starts kissing my neck.

"We have a big family," I argue. "And we can't afford more kids," I say.

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