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{Marco's POV}

"MARCO!" Star screamed. Please hope she called for me just because I was closest. Probably not but, worth a shot. I grabbed her arm. Everyone was watching, unsure what to do. Her dad was pacing, not even bothering to help his only daughter. "Um, you guys could help y'know!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me but yet continued to do nothing. The rock under Star's free arm fell, leaving me to hold her by one arm. I looked down at her. Tears poured down her cheeks. "You'll save me, right Marco?" she stuttered. "Of course I will, Star! Why do you doubt me?"
"You're taking your time."
"Here gimme your other arm," I heard out my hand. She swing up her arm and I grabbed it. I slowly dragged her up, careful not to hurt her it make the rock break more. It took a while, but I did get her back up. She embraced me in a tight hug, burrowing her face into my hoodie. "Thank you, Marco," she whisper cried. I hugged her tighter as we both collapsed to our knees. I could feel her heartbeat from here. "I can feel your heart from here. It's pounding," I said. "Why wouldn't it be? I was dangling off a cliff!" She tried to be loud but was too out of breath to make more that a mutter. She shut her eyes and rested her forehead on my shoulder. I swayed back and forth as an attempt to calm her down. Surprisingly it worked. "Are you okay now?" I asked. She nodded and released her grip. I stood up, realizing everyone was watching. I don't care anymore. Let them know our 'little' secret. As long as she's safe, that's all that matters now to me.


We were getting our stuff and moving it to a cave we found earlier. We all seemed distant. Ponyhead was talking to Star in a corner. The guards were sleeping. Ferguson and Alfonso were drawing on the cave walls with dirt. I was lining up rocks in tiny lines. Star's dad was staring into nowhere. He's probably thinking or something like that. "Guys, me and Ponyhead are gonna go walk around," Star said. Her dad snapped out of his trance. "Okay, just promise you'll be safe," he told her. They both nodded and left the cave. I continued rearranging the rocks in different orders. Mainly shapes now. Eventually everyone was gone except me, the two guards, and Star's dad. Greeeeaaat. Everyone is suspicious as it is. Hopefully u can just block them out, get lost in thought. Well, I did, and... said- well admitted some stuff u regret now. I was mainly saying 'huh' and stuff, but my point went across. "So, Marco," King Butterfly said. "Huh." He obviously found an 'opportunity' to break me. "Do you know who Star's with? Out of curiosity."
"Uh huh."
"Will you tell me?"
"Nuh uh." I agree I sounded stupid, but what else would I do?
"Are they here?"
"YeP." I emphasized the 'p'.
"Is that all your gonna say?" I nodded. Yes, I might have said too much, but it's unproven to him it's me so HA!
"Can I still ask questions?"
"Suuuurrree." From there he asked a lot of pointless questions. And I lied on most of the answers. I was so close to keeping it safe until I blew it when I wasn't paying attention. He stopped asking questions for a moment. "Is it you, by chance?"
I nodded, not thinking. I finally realized. Shit.

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