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{Marco's POV}

"Ludo,"Star sneered, "What are YOU doing here?"
"I can't let them get all the fun," he replied, motioning to the mutations. "How'd you get so tall anyway?" I asked. "Well you see, Karate Boy, I used the wands magic to finally get my big boy body. Oh and Marco, you finally won over Butterfly." Star released her grip and rolled her eyes. "Took long enough for you to notice," she said. "Well, you are really stubborn. Hard to believe that you've been doing for more than two months."
"Six years, actually."
"Where is this even going!?" I interfered. The two shrugged their shoulders. "Guys," Star commanded, "Get the wand." We all leaped off the tree, weapons in hands, landing on the upper half of the giant. The guards were spearing, King Butterfly was rapid shooting, Ponyhead was stabbing with her horn, Star was firing arrows left and right, and I was, whacking him with my staff. Poor choice, as I see now. "Ha! You have by effect on me!" Ludo laughed. "UGGH," Star moaned, "We are getting nowhere!" Just then I heard a noise in the distance. At first, I thought it was nothing, but as it got closer, it sounded like a chainsaw. "Get off of him!" a voice called. All us us leaped to the ground as a tree fell onto Ludo. "Everyone okay?" I counted all the people who said yes. 4..5..6.. Wait. I'm missing someone. I heard to two guards, Ponyhead, King Butterfly, Ferguson, Alfonso. Star... I'm missing Star. I could feel the color drain from my face. "You okay Diaz?" the King asked me. And then I lost control. "Star never said anything. She's not okay," I managed to stammer. I instantly began to walk around, desperately looking for the blonde. "Star?" I called out. I found her laying motionless on the ground. "Star!" I ran to her, collapsing on my knees. I held her head in my lap. "Please wake up," I sobbed, tears rolling down my face. "M-Marco?" she muttered, opening her eyes slightly. "Star, Star I'm here."
"Am I dead?"
"No, you're not. Your dad's here, and Ponyhead. We are all here."
"Are you sure?"
"When was the last time I lied to you?"
"I dunno." I carried her in my arms to the others. "Now that this is over with you're all returning home," the voice said, emerging from the woods. "Mom!?" Star screamed, "What are you doing here?"
"Like I wouldn't realize my husband was missing," snapped the queen. "Cmon River, we are going home. As as for you, young lady," she pointed at Star, "You should know better."
"But Mom-"
"No buts. All of you, return home." She dragged the king through a portal, followed by the guards. Star grabbed the wand from Ludo and then used her scissors and cut a portal for the rest of us. We got home and said our goodbyes. Everyone filed out of the house that doesn't already like there, leaving Star and I to stand in silence.

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