1 - The Curse

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Someone once told me that our fate is determined on our own only and no one could ever change that. You control your life and you can freely choose whatever you want to do... In my case, it was never like that at all...

Back then in my old life.. My father was very ill and we could not afford for him being treated. They were on the verge of accepting my father's fate but I did not want to accept so I ran away.

Running away was the only thing I always did to everything giving me pain... I never was a person who could handle those kinds of feelings. I got lost in a forest, so I decided to just sit down on the root of a big tree and cry my eyes out... I was depressed... I didn't want to accept losing him.

Suddenly, A man came up to me... I was afraid on what his intentions were but he simply said that he wanted to help. I was in shock and asked him who he was but he never told me. I never got to see his face for it was covered and he looked really creepy so I decided to just run away again...

..when suddenly he catches up to me quickly. He told me that it was rude to just run away from a conversation.. So I apologized. He asked me my name, I muttered, "Alexander."

I told him all about my problem... He said that he can grant me any wish I wanted... For a price. I didn't think twice and I told him that I wanted my father to be healthy once again.

He raised his hand and snapped... Then he vanished quickly, I was confused but I wanted to see if it worked...

I managed to get back home after all that happened, I saw my father standing up and hugging every one in our family. I cried because I was so happy and I ran towards him to give him a big hug, when suddenly... I passed right through him like a ghost...

They could not see me... No one could notice me... But everyone wanted to know where I was.

I screamed so loud but no one could hear me... I tried to touch each and every single one of them but I just passed right through their physical bodies.... I noticed that I was transparent and glowing, I didn't ask for this but maybe this was the price of the one wish I made... My own life.

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