Chapter 21

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Jade's POV

I got a phone call from my dad, we were just arguing because he is mad that I never told him about Luke being stillborn, also my dad wanted me to go back home to stay with him after he told me to get the fuck out of his house, and the thing that hurt me most was that he called me damaged goods. I was lost in my thoughts that I missed half of the movie, Robert has been really nice to me ever since the phone call, I feel bad because we were supposed to go out for dinner but after the call with my dad I didn't really want to, and Robert seemed to understand.

"Robert" I say, Robert looked at me.

"Yeah" he said.

"I love you" I tell him which makes Robert smile before he nods at me.

 "Yeah I know, I love you too" he tells me. 

I nodded since I know that he loves me but the question is why, since my dad is right Robert could do so much better than me, he can find  someone who isn't messed up or from a broken home see thing is Robbie isn't just a guy my mum hooked up with because he was like an uncle to me, and I know I said that at the beginning that Robbie is just a random guy that my mum hooked up with.


I was maybe 4-5 at the time, my parents have been arguing a lot recently when they argue dad walks out while mum sits at the dinning table crying, and I stand at the bottom of the stairs confused before I walk over to my mum. 

"You okay?" I ask while my mum nodded.

 "Phone uncle Robbie, get the plastic bag with mum's medicine in it" she tells me.

 I nodded at her before going into mum's bag where I got her phone, then looked for Robbie in the contacts before pressing the call button, and waited for him to answer.

*Phone call*

Robbie: "Hello."

Me: "Hello uncle Robbie."

Robbie: "Hey. Jade what's up?"

Me: "Mum's upset again, dad walked out then mum told me to call you."

Robbie: "Okay,  tell your mum I will be right there."

Me: "Okay, bye."

Robbie: "Bye."

I went through to the dinning room before I tell my mum that uncle Robbie is on his way, I gave her medicine which made mum smile at me, and then took her medicine in front of me sometimes she would hit me or chock me when she takes to much medicine. This time when she took it mum smiled but I could tell that she's is still sad, I smiled at her trying to make her happy.

"You're a good girl" mum tells me.

 "Can I watch t.v?" I asked. 

My mum nodded at me, I was watching t.v when uncle Robbie came in the house, he gave me a bag of sweets before he went through to the dinning room to see mum, and they were talking for a while until Robbie leaves.

"I am going to run a bath for you" my mum tells me.

"Can you put bubbles in the bath for me?" I asks her which made mum nod.

I went for a bath then after it I went into my room then put pjs on, my mum shouted me from downstairs. 

"Hot chocolate is ready" my mum tells me.

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