Chapter 12

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It's now the end of the day which means that I can get to go home watch t.v I thought to myself as King is talking to me about tonight, and he is suggesting what movies we should watch.

"I really don't care about which movie we watch as long as I'm home. I am happy" I tell him, King laughed which made me look at him confused.

"Get in the car" King tells me.

I looked at him confused again but got in the car while King walked over to this random guy, then he started talking, about 5 minutes later King got in the car then drove to the cabin.

"I have to cancel the plan for tonight because I need to be working on the street" he tells me getting pissed off.

"Okay, it's fine" I tell him so that he doesn't get anymore pissed off.

"It's not because you're going to be there alone" he said. 

"King if anything happens I will call you" I tell him.

"I will call you every hour to make sure that you're safe" he tells me. 

I nodded at him then before I know it we are at the cabin, we walked into the kitchen before making dinner then after we ate King left to work on the streets while I went for a nice bubble bath, and  I was wrapping my housecoat around me when I heard a crash from the kitchen. I  decided to go through to my room so that I can call King since there is no one else in, I looked at my phone then notice that I have 20 miss calls from King, and 8 messages. 

*Text messages*

From King
"Hey Jade, I am just checking up on you. Are you okay?"

From King
"Jade, why didn't  you answering my text?"

From King
"Jade answer me fucking now."

From King
"I guess your sleeping so text me when you wake up."

From King
"Ugh Jade I am coming home in 20."

From King
"Do you want anything to eat before I come back?"

From King
"I need to deliver a package so I won't be in until 10:30."

From King
"Jaaaaaaaaaaadddddddeeeee answer meeeeeeeeee."

To King
"Hey, I was in a bath while my phone was on silent. I think someone's in the house."

From King
"Jade get your ass out of the cabin now."

To King
"I need to get dressed."

I decided to fling on a top along with a pair of sweats when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, voices saying "find her" so I decided to hide in my walk in wardrobe, and I heard my bedroom door opening then someone tearing my room apart. Then a voice which belongs to Robert which makes me kinda scared but also happy since I know he won't hurt me even though King along with my dad thinks he will but Robert and I are close since he's the only person that I told everything too while I was in L.A.

"Jade. I know your in here since I have been watching you all day" He says. 

I thought to myself yeah because that's not creep/stalkerish at all, while thinking maybe my dad and King could be right about Robert trying to hurt me because the next thing I know is that I am getting pulled out of the walk in wardrobe.

"There you are" Robert said with a smirk on his face while I glared at him.

"Go and fuck yourself " I tell Robert with a confused look. 

"Jade that isn't nice now is it" he said before he slapped me.

He  pushed me on the floor luckily I landed on my ass, Robert grabbed me by my hair which made me stand up before Robert kissed me, I was thinking this can't be happening since Robert isn't this person since he is usually caring then I snapped out of my thoughts, I tired to push him away but since he's stronger than me also has a good grip of my hair it's kind of impossible. Robert then pulled out a pocket knife before he held it against my neck, he looked at me with a sadistic smile which terrified me since I don't understand why Robert is acting this way, and I gulped as I felt him push the blade into my skin. 

"On Monday make sure your away from King, meet me in the car park so we can start a life together" he tells me with a smile on his face.

"You're tripping if you think I am going to start a life with you" I say which was probably the worst thing I could have said in this situation.

 Robert pressed the knife against my neck even harder than before since I could feel it piercing my skin, and then a bit of blood started trickling down my neck. 

"What did you say Jade?" He asked me.

"Okay" I said with a sigh which made Robert smirk before he kissed me again.

"If you tell anyone I will kill you along with Kings baby" he tells me while saying King's name like it was a disease.

"Remember Monday. I will be waiting" he tells me as he lets go of me. 

I nodded at him then Robert left, I cleaned my neck while thinking if that nutcase actually thinks that I'm going anywhere with him he's got another thing coming, and in fact I am going to stay extra close to King on Monday. I got into bed before I let sleep take over me but I was woken with someone shouting my name, and then King runs in the room.

"You okay?" He asks me with a worried look.

"Yeah it was a false alarm. I left a glass on the edge of the worktop which fell" I tell him making up a lie on the spot.

"Okay, I actually thought something bad happened" he tells me.

"King I'm fine. I am a big girl so I can take care of myself" I tell him with a smile. 

"Yeah, I know you can take care of yourself but just with Robert out there you can't be alone" he tells me with a small sigh.

"I am going to sleep" I say which made King then he walked out.

*Time skip to Monday*

It's lunch nothing has happened yet, I am hoping that Robert has totally forgot all about it.

 "You okay?" King asked me.

"Yeah, I was just thinking" I tell him with a smile so that he doesn't worry. 

 "Your baby bumps got bigger" he states.

"Yeah, once it gets to the size of a balloon I will need to by new clothes" I tell him.

King nodded at me before the fire alarm went off which made teachers along with students run towards the fire door, I was walking next to King before King turned to me, and gives me a regretful look. 

"I forgot my phone" he tells me with a sigh.

"Okay, I will come with you" I say to him.

"Jade it's not a real fire, some punk just set it off for extra lunch come on you know what people are like. I will be right out" he said, then I thought what if it's Robert no no no.

"Wait outside with the others" he said slightly raising his voice.

I nodded at him since there's no point in arguing with him, if I am in a crowd Robert won't see me so I walked outside where I stayed near the crowd where I tried to stay hidden but it never worked because Robert, and 3 guys walked towards me. I started walking away looking for King, I couldn't see him so I called his phone, and he picked up just as I was about to hang up.

"King..." I say but then one of Roberts guys took my phone, and stood on it.

"That bitch!" I screamed which made everyone turned around.

"Jade's got appointment so she needs to go" Robert tells the teachers who nodded, and let them take me.

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