Chapter 6

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Jarred, and I went to KFC. I ordered a box of popcorn chicken with Pepsi while Jarred ordered a family sized box of chicken with a bottle of Sprite then we sat down, and started eating our food.

"Jarred are you going to eat that all by yourself?" I ask him, and Jarred nods.

"Of course. I'm not sharing my chicken" he said, I just laughed at him, and Jarred looked at me.

"Why did King call you a slut?" He asks me, and I told him everything that happened.

"King is jealous" he tries to tell me.

"Jarred. King isn't jealous" I say.

 "Look behind you" he tells me, I looked behind me to see my mum with Robbie, and I rolled my eyes.

"How did you know that was my mum?" I asked him.

"She's the biggest slut ever" he tells me, and I agreed with him.

We just sat while talking about random stuff when Robbie, and my mum came over to us.

"Is that the father of your baby?" Mum asked me.

"No" I tell her.

"Who is then?" Robbie asked.

 "King" Jarred said, I looked at Jarred, then to my mum, and Robbie.

 "King isn't the baby's dad because King is to nice looking to go anywhere near her" Robbie, and mum said.

I went home since Jarred dropped me off because his girlfriend wanted to talk to him about something, I went in the living room to see that King was sitting there watching a football game,and I think it was Liverpool against Chelsea. King looked at me before he scoffed, then went back watching his football game, and I sat on the chair as I went through my social media. I was liking all the stuff on my Facebook newsfeed since there was actually nothing better to do, then my phone dinged letting me know I have a message on messenger, and I opened it. It's from my cousin Chris, and I replied back.

*Messenger messages*

From Chris
"Hey wee cuz. Uncle told me your knocked up dat true ?😏"

To Chris
"Hey cuz, yeah 😊."

From Chris
"Well con grads, will see ya in 5 months we finish tour then."

To Chris
"Okay, how are the guys?"

From Chris
"Seriously you would think that they are girls or something, their always bitching about something 🙄."

To Chris
"Sounds fun🙃."

From Chris
"Enough of that sarcasm🖕."

To Chris
"Okay,  like that's ever gonna happen 🙄🖕🏻😜."

From Chris
"The guys say hi, I have to go since I'm in Canada backstage but talk later yeah? Love ya."

To Chris
"Okay, have fun. Love ya too."

I stopped messaging Chris then decided to make chocolate cake, I got up then went to the kitchen, and made a chocolate cake. I put it in the oven before I went into the living room while it was cooking,  I sat on the chair listening to music, and I am listen to 'Nightcore- you look better when I am drunk' then 'nightcore- Anchor'. I guess I had my earphones up to loud because Jordan came up to me, and snatched my earphones out of my ears.

"What's your problem?" I asked him.

"I'm fed up with you being a little slut" he tells me.

"How I am being a slut?" I asked him.

"Your talking to guys while you're  pregnant with my child" he said.

"Now it's your child, I thought you said you weren't sure if your the dad" I tell him.

"Shut up, your doing my head in" he tells me.

"How the fuck I am doing your head in?" I asked him.

Kings POV

I can't believe I just called her a slut again, I never meant it ugh see me,and my temper. I really need to get my temper under control see the thing is I really like Jade, when she told me why is it any of my business if she's dating or not I lost it because I don't want her with any other guy, and I guess you could say I am a little bit jealous...okay fine I am really jealous but tell anyone I will kill you.  I'm not even joking then Jade stormed out of the room, and then slammed her bedroom door shut. I really need to make it up to her for me being a dick to her ugh, I text Jarred asking for help with Jade.

*Text messages*

To Jarred
"Hey man, I some advice."

From Jarred
"What's up Jordan?"

To Jarred
"I need help to make Jade forgive me."

From Jarred
"Do something sweet."

To Jarred
"I don't do sweet, hell I don't even do relationships I just fuck, and dump."

From Jarred
"Okay, well then think of something stupid."

To Jarred
"You're so much help."

From Jarred

To Jarred
"I'm just going to surprise her but I don't know how or what I am going to do yet,  keep your mouth shut dipshit."

From Jarred
"Hey don't call me a dipshit, you dick head. Of course I will keep my mouth shut 🤐."

To Jarred
"Okay, and thanks man."

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