Dup Dap Dup Dap

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Dup dap dup dap
You raise your shaking hand in class
To ask the teacher with the glass
"Teacher, can I go to the nurse?"

Dup dap dup dap
You finally home and you go right straight into your room
Crying and yelling telling that you're mad at yourself
That you're so damn weak and you can't properly breathe

Dup dap dup dap
It is time for you to sleep but your mind keep racing
Feels like there's drums beating
All at once
Thoughts haunting
Demons screaming

Dup dap dup dap
You finally sleep but in tears
It haven't stop
It continues with nightmares
How you wish God can take your damn life
Because you're tired to survive

Dup dap dup dap
It becomes slower

Dup.. dap.. dup.. dap..
You never thought that God would accept your prayer

Dup ..
There's memories flashing through your mind

And that you don't want to die

Dup.. dap..
But it's the time to say goodbye.

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