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Elena's POV

I'm walking home from uni and it's freezing cold, my fingers start to feel like they're burning and my breaths come out like a fog in the air. I'm walking as slowly as possible because there's ice and I don't want to fall over, and break something. I'm cursing at myself because I didn't bring my boots meant only for snow so that way the possibility of me falling onto my butt is much bigger. I'm walking as slowly as possible but in one swift moment I can feel myself losing my balance.

 I close my eyes waiting for that fall and it comes. Both of my butt cheeks hurt as hell and I'm angry because now I can't get up. I hear soft giggling and look up. I'm met with a boy, he looks like he's my age, dressed in dark blue jeans with brown boots and a  green hoodie. His hoodie is over his head and the mop of curls are visible from under the beanie he also has on. It's winter and it's pretty cold so it was understandable for him to be dressed in such warm clothes. He has this perfect shade of green eyes and his nose is quite red from the cold. As cute as he is, I couldn't be more angrier at him. First because he is freaking laughing at me and secondly because he is another asshole not kind enough to help me get up. I have tons and tons of bags with me, now scattered on the street- I'm  studying architecture after all.

I try getting myself up and somehow I don't even know how, managed to stand on my feet again. I grab my bags, send that douche a dirty look and roll my eyes at him while muttering asshole under my breath.

"What was that?" the boy asks me with a smirk.

I smile sarcastically "I said you're an asshole, just like every other guy in this town."

"Well honey, why would you think I'm like any other guy?"

I don't even know his name an he is already getting on my nerves. I stare at him for a while then shake my head. He'll never understand. I know this type of guys- they act all sweet and cute and the next moment, boom! They screw me over. I carry on walking slowly because I don't want to fall once again. I can feel his stare from behind my back.

"I'm Harry by the way.." the sound of his voice makes me turn around.

"Oh, that's great.." I smile politely.

"I didn't catch yours tho.." He trails off.

"My what?" I ask with confusion written all over my face, while looking straight into his eyes. Damn he's adorable.

"Your name..?" he chuckles.

"Oh.. right." I smile nervously and face palm myself mentally. "It's Enna." I reply."Well a pretty name for a pretty girl. I think we started off bad. I just moved here, my house is just down the road. Wanna come in have a cup of coffee?" he raises his eyebrows and points with his thumb in the direction his house probably is.

I answer almost immediately. "No, thanks for the offer but I have tons of work to do. Nice meeting you tho--Harry, right?" 

"Yup." He smiles sweetly.

"Well I gotta go now, so bye Harry, it was nice meeting you." I purse my lips.

I start walking down the street when suddenly I hear my name being shouted by someone. I turn around and I see Harry walking as fast as he can on that icy street.

"I'm gonna walk you home." He simply says. I'm taken aback by his statement. 

"You don't even know where I live." I smile uneasily.

"Well I'm about to find out now am I?"

"Okay.. " I smile noticing that I don't have a choice, plus he is cute so it's not like I don't want to. But my mind kept repeating itself : don't forget what happened last time, don't let yourself make the same mistake. I shake that thought and continue walking.

Harry is very easy to talk to and that's what I like about him. He would nudge my shoulder occasionally and smile whenever I made a sassy comment. I started to enjoy his company.

"Well this is me. Thanks for walking me home." I turn to him.

"Nice yard. Welcome Enna. I guess I'll see you around..?" Harry raises his eyebrows, his words coming off more as a question.

"Yea, see you around." I lightly smile at him and start to back off and walk towards the front door.

"Hey Enna!" I hear your name being yelled by the same person for the second time today.

"Yes Harry?" I reply. I feel myself getting annoyed with this boy. All he does is  keep  holding me up and the clock is ticking. I have a crap ton load of work to do, that is due tomorrow.

"I forgot this." He says and out of nowhere gives me a hug. His hands wrap around my waist and mine automatically wrap around his neck. I can feel his breath in the crook of your neck and it gives me tingles. "I'm not like any other guy." He whispers in my year. Next thing I know, he is already out of the yard down the street as I'm left stunned. 

I most definitely didn't expect a hug. Hours and hours after that encounter with Harry, I still can't shake the feeling I got when he was near me. 



i know this is really bad, but it gets better i promise, just bear with me

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